How Long Does Fentanyl Last? What To Expect

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid at the center of the opioid crisis. With potency up to 50 times that of heroin, understanding its effects and dangers is critical. In this guide, we’ll delve into the key aspects of fentanyl — from its medical use and illicit misuse to its duration in the body, potential for overdose, and the life-saving role of Narcan.

More importantly, we’ll shine a light on the pathway to recovery, underscoring the reality that help is always available and recovery is possible.

What Is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a potent, synthetic opioid pain reliever. Its power is akin to morphine but is 100 times more potent. Fentanyl is frequently used in medical settings to relieve pain after surgeries or for those battling chronic pain who no longer find relief from other opioids.

It is prescribed in various forms, such as injections, patches, and even lozenges. However, fentanyl has also become a significant player in the opioid epidemic.

Its potency and highly addictive nature make it a target for illicit manufacturing and misuse, thereby contributing to the ongoing opioid crisis. Non-prescription fentanyl, often sold in powder form or mixed into other drugs like heroin or cocaine, can significantly increase the risk of overdose.

We understand that dealing with severe pain or navigating the path of a loved one’s pain management can be a challenging journey. In this light, it’s our aim to ensure you have the information you need on fentanyl.

This knowledge can empower you and your loved ones to recognize the signs of misuse or addiction and know when to seek help.

How Long Does Fentanyl Last in the Body?

When it comes to this powerful opioid, its impact and duration in your system can depend on several factors, including the method of use, individual metabolism, age, overall health status, and dosage.

When taken as prescribed by a healthcare provider, fentanyl can relieve pain within minutes. Transdermal patches, designed to release the drug slowly, can relieve pain for up to 72 hours. However, its half-life, or the time it takes for half the drug to leave the body, is typically around two to four hours.

In the case of illicit fentanyl, which can be mixed with other drugs, the effects can be unpredictable and potentially deadly. Overdose can occur rapidly, often within seconds to minutes after ingestion, due to fentanyl’s high potency.

How Long Is Fentanyl Detectable in the Body?

Fentanyl metabolites, or the products of the body breaking down the drug, can linger, much like echoes of the drug’s effects. These metabolites can be detected in urine for up to three days after use.

Hair tests can detect fentanyl for up to three months. However, it’s important to note that detection times can vary based on the individual’s metabolism, how much they used, and the type of test used.

Understanding how long fentanyl stays in the body and its effects is vital, but it is equally important to recognize signs of misuse or addiction. This can include drowsiness, confusion, sedation, trouble breathing, and decreased heart rate. If you or someone you know exhibits these symptoms after using fentanyl, immediately seeking medical attention is important.

How Does Fentanyl Impact the Body?

Fentanyl, with its exceptional potency, has a profound impact on various bodily systems. Its role as an opioid means it interacts primarily with the nervous system, but its influence reaches far beyond.

Let’s delve into a more detailed exploration of how fentanyl interacts with your body.

The Nervous System

At its core, fentanyl is designed to alter our perception of pain. It achieves this by interacting with the opioid receptors in our brain and spinal cord.

Once it attaches to these receptors, it effectively blocks pain signals from reaching the brain. This can provide powerful relief for individuals grappling with severe or chronic pain.

Additionally, this interaction triggers a release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure and reward. This is why, along with pain relief, users may experience a sense of euphoria or intense happiness.

However, this action also presents a significant risk. Overuse or misuse of fentanyl can result in respiratory depression — a severe slowing or cessation of breathing. This occurs because opioid receptors in the brainstem, responsible for automatic processes like breathing, also respond to fentanyl.

The Digestive System

Fentanyl can impact the digestive system as well. Like other opioids, it tends to slow the movement of the intestines. This can lead to issues like constipation, nausea, and vomiting, particularly in long-term use or overconsumption.

The Cardiovascular System

Fentanyl’s influence extends to the cardiovascular system too. It may cause low blood pressure, slow heart rate, or even cause your blood vessels to dilate, leading to a feeling of lightheadedness or fainting.

The Dangers of Overconsumption and Long-Term Use

While fentanyl can feel like a lifeline for those in severe pain, its misuse can be perilous. Overconsumption can rapidly lead to overdose, given its potency.

Long-term use also has its risks. The body can develop a tolerance to fentanyl, requiring higher doses for the same effect and potentially leading to dependence and addiction. Over time, this can cause significant changes to the brain’s functionality, including problems with decision-making, memory, and emotional regulation.

Signs of a Fentanyl Overdose

Identifying the signs of a fentanyl overdose is crucial, whether you’re a user, a loved one, or even a passerby. An overdose may sometimes appear similar to a high, making it harder to recognize. But it’s always safer to err on the side of caution; if unsure, treat the situation as an overdose.

Signs of a fentanyl overdose may include:

  • Extreme drowsiness or difficulty waking up
  • Slowed or stopped breathing
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Cold and clammy skin
  • Blue lips and/or fingernails
  • Loss of consciousness or unresponsiveness

The faster you recognize these signs, the quicker you can act, potentially saving a life.

What To Do If You Think Someone Is Overdosing on Fentanyl

If you suspect someone is overdosing on fentanyl, it’s essential to act swiftly and thoughtfully.

Here are the steps you should follow:

1. Call for Immediate Medical Attention:

Always start by calling 911. They can provide guidance and dispatch emergency medical assistance. Most states have Good Samaritan laws that protect the caller and the person overdosing from legal consequences.

2. Administer Naloxone (Narcan), If Available:

Narcan is a life-saving medication that can reverse the effects of opioid overdose. If you have it on hand, administer it as per the instructions. Narcan acts swiftly to bind to opioid receptors, effectively blocking the effects of fentanyl and reversing the overdose.

3. Try To Keep the Person Awake and Breathing

Engage the person in conversation, keep them moving if possible, and remind them to take breaths.

4. Lay the Person on Their Side

Laying the person on their side helps prevent potential choking if the person vomits.

5. Stay With the Person Until Emergency Assistance Arrives

Even after administering Narcan, it’s crucial to stay with the person. The effects of Narcan last for about 30 to 90 minutes, while fentanyl can last much longer, meaning a second overdose is possible.

Understanding and recognizing the signs of a fentanyl overdose, knowing the steps to take, and the role of Narcan can make a significant difference.

Seeking Treatment for a Fentanyl Addiction

Recognizing a struggle with fentanyl addiction is the first crucial step on the road to recovery. If you or a loved one are dealing with addiction, it’s important to understand that you’re not alone and help is available.

Treatment plans are not one-size-fits-all, and the approach that works best for you might involve a combination of therapy, medication, support groups, and lifestyle changes. At SOBA New Jersey, we believe that every person’s experience with addiction is unique.

That’s why we provide personalized treatment programs tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. Our evidence-based approach focuses on the symptoms of addiction and the underlying causes, giving you a comprehensive recovery plan.

We also recognize the significant role that community plays in the recovery process. Our team provides opportunities for you to connect with others on their path to recovery. In this supportive and understanding environment, shared experiences can provide comfort, reduce feelings of isolation, and offer valuable insights from others’ journeys.

The Bottom Line

Understanding fentanyl — its nature, its impact on the body, how long it lasts in the system, the potential for overdose, and the life-saving role of Narcan — is key to recognizing signs of misuse or addiction, ensuring timely intervention, and ultimately, safeguarding health and lives.

However, the most important takeaway should be that if you or a loved one are struggling with fentanyl addiction, you are not alone. Treatment and recovery are not only possible but are a path to a healthier, happier life.

We at SOBA New Jersey know firsthand that seeking support is not an admission of failure but a courageous step toward reclaiming control over your life. We are committed to providing personalized, comprehensive treatment as a trusted partner on your recovery journey. With our professional support, a strong recovery community, and your determination, recovery from fentanyl addiction is entirely possible.

No one should have to face this battle alone. At SOBA New Jersey, we’re with you every step of the way. Reach out today, and let us help you start your journey to recovery.


Fentanyl Facts | CDC

Drug Misuse: Most States Have Good Samaritan Laws and Research Indicates They May Have Positive Effects | U.S. GAO

Naloxone DrugFacts | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Meth Withdrawal Symptoms: What To Expect

Methamphetamine, known as meth, is a potent, highly addictive stimulant affecting the central nervous system. Originating from amphetamine, meth is typically found as a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder — hence the street name “crystal meth.”

Meth use and subsequent dependency can lead to addiction, making it vital for individuals and their loved ones to understand meth withdrawal symptoms. By recognizing these symptoms, you’re already taking a big step on your recovery journey. We know it’s hard, and we’re here to help you through it.

How Does Meth Affect the Body?

Methamphetamine significantly impacts the central nervous system and cognitive function. By stimulating an influx of dopamine in the brain — the neurotransmitter that regulates the body’s reward system — meth can create an intense feeling of pleasure. While this sense of euphoria can feel desirable in the short term, it also causes a range of harmful effects on the body, including increased heart rate, blood pressure, and hyperactivity.

Repeated meth use can disrupt the natural balance of neurotransmitters, and long-term meth use can lead to severe changes in brain structure and function, which can persist even after prolonged abstinence. The effects of meth on the brain’s dopamine system can result in reduced motor speed and impaired verbal learning.

By altering the brain’s cognitive functions, methamphetamine use leads to problems with thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering, which often manifest as difficulties in attention, memory, decision-making, and problem-solving.

Long-term effects of meth use may also cause changes in the brain’s reward system, making it increasingly challenging for users to experience pleasure outside of drug use — a state known as anhedonia. The persistent cognitive deficits caused by meth abuse can adversely affect an individual’s social and occupational functioning, causing significant problems in their daily life.

Meth users can also experience a range of mental health-related side effects, such as anxiety, confusion, insomnia, mood disturbances, and even psychotic features like hallucinations and delusions. Some of these changes might be irreversible, underscoring the importance of addressing methamphetamine addiction promptly and adequately.

What Are Common Signs of Meth Use and Abuse?

Meth abuse or addiction can often be recognized through a combination of physical, behavioral, and psychological signs.

These signs may include:

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Dental problems
  • Skin sores
  • Dilated pupils
  • Increased physical activity
  • Increased wakefulness
  • Obsessive behaviors
  • Paranoia
  • Mood swings
  • Aggression
  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions

Recognizing these signs in oneself or a loved one can be the first step toward seeking help from a treatment center or healthcareproviders experienced in handling meth addiction. Remember that every individual’s experience with meth use and withdrawal can differ, and professional help should be sought for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Meth Withdrawal: What Are the Symptoms?

Withdrawal from methamphetamine use is a process that occurs when a person who has been regularly using meth discontinues or reduces their intake significantly. This sudden shift can trigger a series of physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms, given how meth alters the brain’s reward system over time.

It’s crucial to understand that meth withdrawal symptoms can be severe and potentially dangerous; therefore, detox should always be conducted under the supervision of medical professionals.

Withdrawal from methamphetamine can be challenging due to the wide range of symptoms that can occur. Understanding these symptoms can better equip individuals and their loved ones to manage the withdrawal process.


One methamphetamine withdrawal symptom is hypersomnia or excessive sleepiness. The body will need substantial rest to recover after the intense high that meth use provides. This symptom contrasts with insomnia often experienced during active meth use.


During the withdrawal period, individuals might experience psychosis, including hallucinations or delusions. This symptom can be frightening for both the individual and their loved ones and is a clear signal that medical professionals should be involved in the withdrawal process.

Mood Swings

Mood swings are common during meth withdrawal. Methamphetamine users might experience sudden shifts from feelings of depression to agitation or anger. Understanding that these mood swings are a part of the withdrawal process can help individuals cope with these changes.

Suicidal Ideation

Suicidal thoughts can occur during meth withdrawal due to the severe shifts in mood and the body’s adjustment to the absence of the drug. Any indication of suicidal ideation is a severe symptom that requires immediate attention from healthcare or mental health professionals.


Drug cravings are one of the most challenging aspects of the withdrawal process. These cravings can persist for a significant amount of time after discontinuing meth use and can coincide with physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle discomfort, chills, tremors, fevers, and chills. These intense cravings can lead to relapse if not adequately managed.

Recognizing these cravings as a part of the withdrawal process can help manage them. It is important to remember that the intensity and duration of these symptoms can vary based on the length and severity of meth use.

Understanding these symptoms is vital in preparing for meth withdrawal, but the process should not be undergone alone. Treatment centers like SOBA New Jersey can provide the support, medical supervision, and therapy needed to manage these symptoms and guide individuals toward recovery.

What Is the Timeline for Meth Withdrawal?

The meth withdrawal timeline can vary significantly from person to person, depending on factors such as the severity of addiction, the individual’s overall health, and the level of support available during withdrawal. But, generally, symptoms of meth withdrawal can begin as soon as a few hours after the last dose and may persist for weeks or even months in some cases.

Acute withdrawal symptoms usually peak within the first week after stopping meth use and then gradually subside over the next few weeks. Some symptoms, however — particularly psychological ones like cravings and depression — may persist for longer and require ongoing support and treatment.

Given the complexity and potential severity of meth withdrawal, it’s highly recommended that meth detox be carried out under the supervision of medical professionals in a treatment facility. They can provide the necessary support and resources to help manage symptoms, reduce discomfort, and mitigate the risk of relapse.

How To Cope With Meth Withdrawal Symptoms

Tackling meth withdrawal can be a daunting journey, but with the right strategies, you can make this process more manageable.

Here are a few tips to help you handle withdrawal symptoms:

  • Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can exacerbate withdrawal symptoms. Ensure you drink enough water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated.
  • Healthy Eating: Proper nutrition can help your body recover from the effects of meth use. Opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.
  • Physical Activity: Light exercises, such as walking or yoga, can help manage withdrawal symptoms by releasing endorphins, your body’s natural mood enhancers.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practices like meditation, deep breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation can help you manage stress and anxiety during withdrawal.
  • Stay Connected: Reach out to trusted friends, family, or a support group who understand what you’re going through. You don’t have to face this alone.
  • Embrace professional support: Seeking out a medically supervised environment for detoxification is invaluable; healthcare providers in these settings can monitor your symptoms, provide medication to alleviate discomfort, and address any complications that may arise. They can also provide emotional support and counseling to help you cope with cravings and other psychological symptoms.

Remember, these tips are general advice and might not work for everyone. It’s crucial to seek professional medical advice for personalized strategies that fit your specific needs.

What are Possible Treatment Options for Meth Addiction?

Once you’ve completed detox, ongoing treatment is essential for maintaining sobriety and preventing relapse.

There are several treatment options available, each with its unique benefits.

  • Inpatient Treatment: Inpatient treatment involves staying at a treatment center for a period, usually between 30 to 90 days, to provide a structured environment free from triggers and stressors. This can be particularly helpful for those with severe addiction or co-occurring mental health issues.
  • Outpatient treatment: Outpatient treatment allows you to live at home and continue with your usual activities while attending regular therapy sessions. This type of treatment might be more suitable for those with milder addiction or significant family or work commitments.
  • Therapy Programs: Some treatment centers like SOBA New Jersey also offer a wealth of therapy programs for added support. Our team has specialized programs for dual diagnosis (co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders), family therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and adventure therapy. SAMHSA (the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) also offers resources to help you find suitable treatment programs.
  • Support Groups: Participation in support groups like Narcotics Anonymous can provide invaluable peer support and encouragement during your recovery journey by offering a safe, non-judgmental space to share experiences, learn from others, and build a supportive community.

Remember, overcoming meth addiction is a journey, and it’s important to find a treatment approach that works best for you.

How To Help Support a Loved One Through Meth Withdrawal

Witnessing a loved one struggling with methamphetamine withdrawal can be heart-wrenching. Here are a few guidelines to help you provide them with the best possible support during this challenging time (and remember to care for yourself during this time, too).

  • Understand Their Struggle: Recognizing the symptoms of meth withdrawal, realizing the challenges they are facing, and empathizing with their pain is one of the most important ways you can support your loved one. Understanding that their behaviors are symptoms of their withdrawal rather than personal affronts can help make it easier to maintain a supportive stance.
  • Support Their Well-being: Remember that recovery is about more than just abstaining from meth. It also involves promoting overall well-being. It can help to gently encourage your loved one to engage in healthy behaviors such as regular exercise, a nutritious diet, adequate sleep, and stress-reducing activities during their recovery process.
  • Encourage Professional Help: While your support is invaluable, you should not have to support your loved one with this process on your own. The complexities of meth withdrawal and addiction often require professional help. Encourage your loved one to seek assistance from treatment centers and healthcareproviders that specialize in addiction treatment.

Receive the Support You Deserve With SOBA Recovery

You don’t have to face methamphetamine withdrawal alone. At SOBA New Jersey, we understand the struggles of overcoming meth addiction. Our team of dedicated, experienced, and knowledgeable professionals is committed to providing you with the highest level of care, ensuring you have the foundation you need for a successful recovery.

Whether it’s medical detox, inpatient or outpatient treatment, or a combination of these, our team will work with you or your loved one to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs. With a range of therapies and programs at our disposal, we are equipped to help you overcome the physical and psychological symptoms of meth withdrawal and build a fulfilling, substance-free life.

If you’re struggling with meth addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. At SOBA New Jersey, we’re here to listen, support, and help you reclaim the life you deserve.


What is methamphetamine? | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Dopamine: What It Is, Function & Symptoms | Cleveland Clinic

Neurobiological mechanisms of anhedonia | PMC

Cognitive behavioral therapy | Mayo Clinic

SAMHSA | US Department of Health & Human Services

Adderall Addiction Signs: What To Look For

Understanding the impact and signs of Adderall addiction is crucial for our society today. The reality is that this widely prescribed medication, while beneficial for those with ADHD and narcolepsy, can have severe repercussions when misused. This article is designed to guide you through the complex landscape of Adderall addiction.

Together, we can break the cycle of addiction, educate others, and promote healthier communities. It’s time to understand, recognize, and tackle an Adderall addiction.

What Is Adderall?

Adderall, a prescription drug used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, has become a staple in modern medicine. This medication contains two active ingredients: amphetamine and dextroamphetamine.

Both substances are pivotal in increasing attention, reducing impulsivity, and curbing hyperactivity in patients with ADHD. For those battling narcolepsy, a neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness, using Adderall works as a potent combatant against excessive daytime sleepiness.

The impact of this prescription stimulant on the central nervous system is significant, as it enhances the effect of certain neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine is often associated with pleasure, movement, and attention, while norepinephrine acts as both a neurotransmitter and a hormone, contributing to attentiveness, emotions, sleeping, dreaming, and learning.

While Adderall can be a significantly useful tool in managing ADHD and narcolepsy when used as recommended, it’s crucial to note that Adderall is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance by the Drug Enforcement Administration, meaning it has a high potential for abuse and can lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.

Misuse of Adderall: A Growing Concern

The misuse of Adderall, particularly among young adults and college students who often refer to it as a “study drug,” is a growing concern. This term is misleading and dangerous, as it implies a benefit that far outweighs the potential risk associated with Adderall misuse.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse has identified this trend as a significant public health issue. Students, under mounting academic pressure, may misuse higher doses of Adderall than prescribed or take it without a prescription in an attempt to enhance focus and cognitive performance.

But these higher doses can lead to a number of health and well-being concerns, including the development of physical dependence and, in some cases, addiction, a severe form of substance abuse.

It’s important to clarify that physical dependence — a biological adaptation where the body requires the drug to function normally — differs from addiction, which is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences.

The misuse of Adderall, especially in non-prescribed situations, is a serious issue that requires our attention. Recognizing the signs of misuse and potential addiction is the first step in getting help for yourself or a loved one who may be struggling.

What Are the Signs of Adderall Addiction?

The potential for Adderall addiction is significant, given the drug’s stimulating effects on the brain’s reward center. Regular misuse can lead to tolerance, meaning the individual will require larger doses to achieve the same effect, leading to an escalating cycle that can result in addiction.

Adderall addiction can manifest in various ways, including changes in physical health, behavior, and mental well-being.

Physical Symptoms

Physical signs of Adderall addiction can be subtle at first, gradually becoming more noticeable.

Common signs can include:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased heart rate
  • Irregular heartbeat

Behavioral Changes

Behavioral changes can often be more apparent. Individuals may show signs of hyperactivity and excitability due to the stimulant effects of Adderall. Additionally, an increased focus on obtaining and using Adderall, such as visiting multiple doctors to get prescriptions (known as ‘doctor shopping’), can indicate a developing addiction.

Psychological Symptoms

Adderall addiction can also affect an individual’s mental health. It’s not uncommon for those struggling with addiction to experience psychological symptoms like increased anxiety, restlessness, or even psychosis in more severe cases.

Remember, addiction is not a moral failing but a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors.

Warning Signs To Look for in a Loved One

If you’re concerned that a family member or loved one may be struggling with Adderall addiction, there are several signs of Adderall abuse you can look for. These may include secretive behavior, an unusual obsession with tasks requiring focus, changes in social behavior, and potential withdrawal from family activities.

What Are the Risks of Adderall Abuse?

Misusing Adderall raises the risk of addiction and can lead to a range of serious health issues. Adderall side effects can range from mild to severe. The risks of severe side effects are typically greater when the drug is taken in higher doses or through non-prescribed methods, such as snorting.

Short-term side effects of Adderall misuse can include dry mouth, increased blood pressure, rapid heart rate, and irregular heartbeat. But when misused over a longer period or in high doses, it can potentially lead to severe health complications like cardiac arrest or a heart attack.

Moreover, misusing Adderall by snorting it can cause additional health problems. Snorting Adderall can lead to damage to the nasal and sinus cavities and even more severe health problems, such as lung complications.

Adderall misuse can also have profound effects on mental health, contributing to increased anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, and in severe cases, hallucinations or delusional psychosis. These risks highlight the importance of seeking professional help if you or a loved one are struggling with Adderall misuse.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Adderall Addiction?

When it comes to Adderall addiction treatment, it’s important to note that recovery is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Each person has unique needs and challenges that require an individualized approach to treatment.

Several comprehensive drug addiction treatment options are available that combine various therapies and support systems to address the individual’s unique needs and challenges. Professional treatment centers like SOBA New Jersey play a critical role in this recovery process.

Supervision During Detoxification

Often, overcoming Adderall addiction begins with detoxification, the process where the body naturally eliminates the drug. During detox, withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and changes in sleep patterns can occur.

Cravings are also a common part of the Adderall withdrawal process. This period can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, lead to severe health issues.

Because of the potential health risks during withdrawal, it’s crucial to undergo detox under the guidance of professional healthcare providers. Detox facilities can provide medical supervision and necessary support to manage withdrawal symptoms effectively and safely. Detox is not a cure for addiction but a critical first step toward recovery.

Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment Options

After detox, the next step usually involves either an inpatient or outpatient treatment program. For inpatient programs, individuals live at the treatment facility, which produces a structured and supportive environment.

On the other hand, outpatient programs allow individuals to live at home and attend treatment sessions at the center. The choice between inpatient and outpatient treatment depends on the individual’s needs, addiction severity, and personal circumstances.

Treatment Programs and Support Groups

Treatment programs typically use a combination of therapies. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), for instance, can help individuals understand their addiction triggers and develop coping strategies.

In addition to therapy, support groups play a vital role in recovery, providing a sense of community and shared understanding that can offer emotional support throughout the recovery process.

We understand the importance of personalized treatment. Our team of dedicated professionals uses an array of resources — from adventure therapy to dual diagnosis treatment — to provide individualized care that sets our clients up for success in their recovery journey.

SOBA New Jersey: Your Partner in Recovery

Recognizing the signs of Adderall addiction is crucial in taking the first step toward recovery. Addiction is a complex but treatable disorder that requires comprehensive care.

At SOBA New Jersey, we are deeply committed to helping individuals struggling with substance use disorders, including Adderall addiction. Our team focuses not only on treating addiction but also on promoting overall behavioral health. We believe in treating the whole person, not just the addiction, focusing on holistic care that addresses mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Our team of addiction specialists, clinicians, and holistic caregivers work together to provide a comprehensive and personalized treatment approach. Our services range from medical detox and mental health treatment to outpatient treatment, family programs, and aftercare planning.

If you’re dealing with addiction or concerned about a loved one, we encourage you to reach out to us. Remember, prioritizing your well-being and seeking help is not a sign of weakness but an act of strength. At SOBA New Jersey, we are ready to accompany you on this journey toward reclaiming the life and happiness you deserve.


What is ADHD? | CDC

Narcolepsy: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | Cleveland Clinic

Drug Scheduling | DEA

Commonly Used Drugs Charts | NIDA

Cognitive behavioral therapy | Mayo Clinic

What Is the Drug Ice? Crystal Methamphetamine

We often hear different addictive drugs being referred to by street names, and crystal meth is no different. Crystal meth, or ice, has a variety of names, but don’t let that distract you from the dangers of it.

It is a methamphetamine that is part of the amphetamine family of drugs and is known to have devastating mental health and physical effects. People that are suffering from addiction do not always think that that’s the situation that they are going to end up in.

Drug use is a slippery slope, and once introduced to harder drugs, it can be more difficult to break the cycle and overcome addiction. Ice is no different, and when it becomes a part of a person’s routine can risk the overall safety of that individual.

To learn more about ice, how it’s used, what the effects are, and long-term issues that can arise from using it, keep reading.

What Is Ice?

Ice is a synthetic stimulant that directly impacts the central nervous system. Crystal methamphetamine is one of the most potent variants of this drug and has no color to it.

It has a very strong odor and bitter taste. It gets its name ‘ice’ from the crystal-like formations that it appears to have. These crystals are either white or brownish and are jagged in their appearance.

Ice is the stronger and more addictive form of methamphetamines out there, making it the most dangerous. It typically has more harmful side effects and a more intensive reaction after using it.

How Is It Used?

Ice is used by smoking it or injecting it. When smoked, you can feel the effects of ice almost immediately, and when injected, you can feel the effects within the next 30 seconds. These two methods are the most efficient to get crystal meth into your bloodstream so that the effects are brought on quickly.

Sometimes ice will be swallowed or snorted, but it takes between 15 and 20 minutes for it to kick in if swallowed and three to five minutes if snorted. Many people that use crystal meth want to feel the effects as quickly as possible, so these last two ways aren’t as efficient.

Other Names for Ice

Ice may not be the most common name that you hear to describe this substance. Crystal meth is likely the first thing you think of, but it’s called ice because of how it looks. It’s very similar in look to ice crystals and usually is clear or white.

Ice is also known as shabu, crystal, glass, shard, and Tina. Despite what you call it, it’s all the same substance and has the same effect on a person’s mind and body.

What Are the Effects of Taking Ice?

Ice can trick a person into thinking they are doing great because it sends an intense rush of dopamine, energy, and even confidence through the person’s system. The effects of ice can last for up to 12 hours, but a person may not feel like themselves for several days after using it.

Some people claim that even after the high is gone, it can be very difficult to sleep for days as it continues to exit your system. How ice affects a person is dependent on a few things: how much they take, how big of a person they are, how strong the drugs are, if they are used to using ice, and whether or not they are taking other drugs simultaneously.

Some of the effects of taking ice that you could experience are:

  • Feelings of confidence
  • Energy bursts
  • Increased alertness
  • Excessive sweating
  • Itching and scratching
  • Widened pupils
  • Dry mouth
  • Reduced appetite
  • Teeth grinding
  • Quickened heart rate
  • Increased sex drive

When you use crystal meth through injection, you are putting yourself at risk of infections and vein damage. You also put yourself at risk for tetanus, hepatitis B and C, and HIV or AIDS if you are sharing needles or not handling them properly.

People that use ice for prolonged periods of ice also might suffer from paranoia, hallucinations, and memory loss. Some people enter into psychosis and struggle to tell what is real and what is not. They might experience paranoid delusions, aggressive behaviors and outbursts, and confusion, leading to dangerous situations.

Coming Down From Ice

Coming down from ice can take several days. The effects can last up to 12 hours, but side effects from use don’t just go away. People report having trouble falling and staying asleep, suffering from paranoia and hallucinations, irritability and depression, and dizziness and blurred vision.

Some people find that because of the extremely low feeling that can happen during the comedown, they will try to use other drugs to offset those effects. Using marijuana, alcohol, or even benzodiazepines is not uncommon during ice comedowns.

Risk of Overdosing

There is also a risk of overdosing when using any amount of ice. You may not know it and end up with a strong and potent batch of crystal meth, or you could use too much of it in one sitting, resulting in an overdose. If you or a loved one experience any of the following symptoms, contact 911 immediately and seek medical intervention.

The following symptoms are signs that you could be experiencing an overdose of ice:

  • Chest pain
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Uncontrolled jerking
  • A sudden and severe headache
  • Breathing problems
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Even death

Don’t wait to seek out help. It could be the difference between life and death.

What Are the Long-Term Problems of Using Ice?

Like with many drugs, ice can cause an array of long-term problems to come up, both mentally and physically.

Some of the most common physical problems that can occur due to long-term ice use are chronic and extreme weight loss, poor sleep quality, dental health problems, stiff muscles, heart and kidney problems, regular colds, an overall lowered immune system, and stroke.

Long-term ice use usually ages a person and makes them appear much older than they actually are. It can cause wrinkly skin, discoloration, and teeth to fall out. As for mental health, ice can have long-term effects on you, including a lack of happiness and less time enjoying activities, rapid mood swings, trouble concentrating, depressive episodes, higher stress levels, and paranoia.

They might experience outbursts of violent behavior that seem uncharacteristic, along with severe shame and guilt. Many people also suffer from financial, social, and career problems as a result of their ice use.

Dependence and Addiction to Ice

As people use ice more frequently and in larger doses, their body keeps up with what’s being put into their system and adjusts. It begins to require more and more of the drug to feel the same level of intoxication as the first time they ever used it. Ice is a highly addictive substance that often leads to dependence and substance abuse.

After prolonged use, most users feel they need it daily to function. The withdrawal symptoms can be debilitating and hard to overcome alone, only prolonging the addiction and experience.

Addiction to a substance like ice needs substantial intervention to see progress toward a sober lifestyle. If you or a loved one is struggling with their addiction to crystal meth, reach out sooner than later to get help. It could be a matter between life and death.

Seek Treatment With SOBA

To overcome your addiction to ice, you will need to go through the detoxification process to help safely get it out of your system. Going through withdrawals alone can be impossible, but with SOBA Recovery Center of San Antonio, Texas, you don’t have to do anything alone.

From the moment you show up, you get around-the-clock care so you can get the help you deserve. With an addiction to a drug like ice, you will likely need to stay inpatient until you have the drug out of your system and have been working towards recovery. It’s not an easy drug to avoid, but the SOBA employees know just how to make it achievable.

Reach out today to talk to a SOBA representative about our treatment options and how the process goes. After a thorough intake process, your team will help develop a dedicated and specialized treatment plan to treat your specific needs. To overcome addiction, you have to get to the bottom of your problems and treat them there.

Don’t wait another day and seek out help now!


Methamphetamine – StatPearls | NCBI Bookshelf

Current Research on Methamphetamine: Epidemiology, Medical and Psychiatric Effects, Treatment, and Harm Reduction Efforts | NCBI

Methamphetamine Toxicity – StatPearls | NCBI Bookshelf

What are the long-term effects of methamphetamine misuse? | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

What Is the Difference Between Crack and Cocaine?

When you think of crack and cocaine, you often consider them to be the same. You may hear people call it crack cocaine and wonder if that refers to a different substance. It is not. Both crack and cocaine are highly addictive and illegal drugs that can cause mental and physical health damage.

People that use crack or cocaine often find themselves suffering from severe addiction. To seek help for this addiction, people using crack or cocaine must undergo detoxification and intensive therapy and intervention services. It can be a very difficult addiction to overcome and support is often needed in order to see progress.

As much as crack and cocaine are similar, they are different. How these substances are consumed, what kind of effects they give, and the penalties given if they are criminally charged for using them vary.

To learn more about the differences between crack and cocaine, keep reading.

Are They the Same?

There is not much that separates cocaine and crack from each other chemically. They are virtually the same substance, but the form they come in separates them.

They are both derived from the coca plant indigenous to South America and produce similar effects. The chemical found in this plant, benzoylmethylecgonine, is a central nervous system stimulant with a high risk for abuse.

Both cocaine and crack produce a euphoric feeling when consumed by people. Both affect the dopamine in a person’s body and increase the amount produced when used.

This means people will get a rush of happiness and warmth flooded over them after using, followed by a dramatic decrease as it exits. This constant rush prevents the body from making enough dopamine on its own, leading to serious lows if not using the drug.

What Is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant that is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant. It comes in a powdery form that can be snorted, rubbed on the gums, or injected into a person’s veins.

Depending on the person using and how much cocaine is consumed, the effects can set in anywhere from almost immediately to within five minutes. Highs can range from 15 seconds to 30 minutes, depending on your consumption.

At first, cocaine was being used medicinally before the understanding of its risk for abuse set in. It was used topically to help numb body parts for surgery before it was considered to be a Schedule II controlled substance.

What Is Crack?

Crack is chemically the same as cocaine, but the way that it’s created is what sets it apart. To make crack, you have to dissolve cocaine powder and mix it with baking soda, and then heat it.

The heating removes the hydrochloride from the substance completely. What results from this is a highly concentrated form of cocaine that looks like little rocks. This is a very powerful and active form of cocaine that is smokeable and produces even higher effects than cocaine.

The high from crack is much quicker than with cocaine in several ways. People experience the high faster with crack, it doesn’t last as long, but it’s often more intense. As a result of the quick effects, many users will consume high quantities of both to continue the high for as long as possible.

What Makes Crack and Cocaine Different?

We’ve established that cocaine and crack are hardly different regarding the makeup of the drugs. They are the same chemically, just in different stages of life.

The differences that surround cocaine and crack boil down to how they are viewed by society and the criminal justice system, how you use them, and what the effects of them are like.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction to either crack or cocaine, just know there are ways to seek help. Though difficult, getting treatment for an addiction to cocaine or crack is one of the best ways to overcome your substance abuse problems.

Methods of Use

How you use cocaine and crack differs. Cocaine comes in a powdery substance that is most frequently snorted or rubbed on the gums.

It’s a very fine powder that doesn’t take too much to get you feeling the side effects. Some people inject cocaine into the bloodstream with a needle, but this isn’t the most common way to use it.

Crack is typically smoked and inhaled into the lungs. Crack can have a very powerful effect, and like cocaine doesn’t take much to get you intoxicated.

Side Effects

Some of the side effects that you get from cocaine and crack use will be very similar, like the following:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Dilated pupils
  • Stroke
  • Seizures
  • Heart attack
  • Mood swings
  • Violent outbursts

The main differences in their side effects are related to how they are consumed. For cocaine, people will experience a runny nose, nosebleeds, difficulty swallowing, holes in their nose, and a loss of smell. People that smoke crack will have side effects like respiratory distress, cough, asthma, and an increased risk of respiratory infections.

Price Point

Cocaine is often referred to as a “rich man’s drug” because it is commonly found among more wealthy individuals. This association comes from the 1980s and Wall Street bankers and Hollywood stars.

It’s a drug often used to party and stay up all night, with bursts of energy and confidence as you continue to pump it into your system. It has maintained this idea for years and still is regarded as a very expensive drug, which is ironic for its short-lived intoxication.

On the other hand, crack was created and distributed as a cheaper alternative to cocaine. So for less money, you could experience an even more powerful version of cocaine, which flooded lower-income communities throughout the United States.

As a result of these price differences, there is also a different view on people who use crack and cocaine, even though they are virtually the same drug.

The Onset of Action and Half-Life

Both cocaine and crack are quick to respond in the body. You will feel the effects of using either of these in a short amount of time, though crack has a faster effect.

Not only do you feel the effects of crack faster, but they come in shorter bursts. Cocaine may take a bit longer to get through your system and can have a longer-lasting effect after the fact.

Cocaine effects can last up to 30 minutes, whereas crack effects usually are gone within 10 minutes. For people that want a quicker effect than cocaine, they tend to move on towards crack so that they can keep up with their needs.

Criminal Penalties

Every state has different penalties for selling and using cocaine or crack. However, the history of crack and cocaine shows a disproportionate breakdown of crack than cocaine. The penalties are often stronger and harsher for the distribution of crack over cocaine.

Not only does this target people in lower-income communities, but it paints the picture that crack is worse than cocaine use. You could easily argue that both crack use and cocaine use should be avoided and that they both have serious implications for a person’s health and safety.


Because of the difference in penalties for crack and cocaine, more people will admit to having used cocaine over crack. In general, despite cocaine being more expensive, cocaine is regarded as the better version of the two and more likely to be consumed by people. People know you’re less likely to receive a harsh punishment if caught with cocaine over crack.

Addiction Treatment Can Help

People suffering from drug abuse and addiction do not need to be penalized. They need to be helped and given proper treatment to overcome their addiction. Seeking help is half the battle, but SOBA Recovery Center of San Antonio, Texas, offers an easy solution.

When you seek addiction treatment at SOBA, you work with our addiction specialists and therapists to come up with a treatment plan that is right for you. Everyone requires their own set of needs, and SOBA works with each individual to better understand their needs.

You can start with our inpatient services, detoxification program, and group therapy. Reach out today to a SOBA representative to learn more about what we have to offer to help you or a loved one overcome their addiction to crack or cocaine.


Cocaine DrugFacts | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Drug Scheduling | DEA

Crack Cocaine Fast Facts | National Drug Intelligence Center

Cracks in the System: 20 Years of the Unjust Federal Crack Cocaine Law | American Civil Liberties Union

Methadone Side Effects and Long-Term Use

Methadone is a drug that can be prescribed by a doctor or used illicitly off the streets. How you obtain methadone and why you use it can vary drastically, but when taken under medical supervision, it can have a lot of benefits.

There is a risk of becoming dependent on methadone, so you must be careful about how much you take and how often. If problems arise with your or a loved one’s methadone use, seek a professional treatment program.

Methadone is somewhat of a double-edged sword — while it can be beneficial for people with opioid use disorder to use it, the short- and long-term side effects can be damaging. To learn more about what methadone is and its side effects, continue reading.

What Is Methadone?

Methadone is described as a synthetic, narcotic analgesic drug that works to help relieve chronic pain. It’s a prescription painkiller that can be given out to those that experience moderate to severe pain.

While it can be prescribed to people, it has a risk of becoming addictive, so it may not be the first painkiller to be prescribed to someone. When a person has a history of substance abuse, with opiates or benzodiazepines, methadone might not be the best thing to give them.

On the other hand, methadone is often used to help people struggling with addiction to opioids wean themselves off their drug abuse. Similar to buprenorphine, methadone maintenance treatment is usually monitored by a medical healthcare provider because there is still a risk of becoming dependent on methadone, even though it can really help with opioid withdrawal symptoms.

How Does It Work?

Methadone works to change the way your brain, body, and nervous system react to pain. It can bring you a sense of pain relief while in your system, so it can be helpful for those that have undergone surgery, are experiencing chronic or acute pain, or suffer from a long-term illness.

Methadone that is prescribed will be given to a patient in an oral form, such as a tablet, powder, or liquid. It is important to stick to the exact dose of methadone (methadose) and timeline when taking methadone to lower the risk of becoming dependent on having it in your system.

What Is It Used For?

Methadone is used as a pain reliever when it’s being prescribed, but it has another purpose that is useful for those struggling with addiction. Methadone is often given to people struggling with opioid use disorder because it works to block the high that opioids like heroin, codeine, hydrocodone, morphine, and oxycodone. People trying to come off of opioids are strongly advised not to do it cold turkey but to wean themselves off it.

While methadone will still produce a high in the body, it is not as strong as other opioids. This means it can limit the chance of overdose, withdrawal symptoms, or intense cravings as you replace your opioid use with methadone.

This is often called “replacement therapy,” but it is not the end of the addiction journey. You still need to seek therapy and professional addiction treatment to see the results you want.

History of Methadone

Methadone was first used by German medics during World War II when morphine was becoming hard to get ahold of. Methadone was created by two German scientists, Max Bockmühl and Gustav Ehrhart, and was seen as less addicting than morphine.

Eventually, its use crossed over to the Allied forces, and a few years later, it was made available to the people of the United States. In the late 1940s, it was marketed as an all-purpose pain medication, but three decades later, it was approved by the FDA to treat opioid addiction and narcotic abuse.

Now, doctors can prescribe methadone for pain and as a way to help opioid users through their recovery journey.

Side Effects of Methadone

The side effects of methadone have a great range, and everyone has their own response to it. While it can be extremely helpful and useful to those in recovery, it’s important not to forget that it’s still a narcotic and has the risk of being abused. Even when a person uses methadone under their doctor’s orders, it can cause negative side effects.

Some of the mild side effects that you might experience when using higher doses of methadone are:

  • Dry mouth
  • Lightheadedness
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Urinary retention
  • Constipation
  • Sexual impotence
  • Drowsiness
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain
  • Sore tongue
  • Skin flushing

Some more serious side effects that you might experience during short-term use are:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Tremors
  • Fainting
  • Seizures
  • Chest pain
  • Allergic reactions
  • Depressed respiratory function
  • Tremors
  • Death as a result of an overdose

Risk of Long-Term Use of Methadone

Methadone use is not meant to be used indefinitely. For some, it might take a little longer to wean themselves off of opioids, and methadone is there to help. However, long-term use of methadone can produce various negative side effects that will need intervention of their own.

It’s important that if you think someone is misusing their methadone, reach out and offer your support. It can be difficult to admit that you’re struggling, especially when the purpose of the medication is to help overcome your opioid addiction.


When people are prescribed methadone for their pain, there is a risk that they can become chemically dependent on having it in their system. Addiction can happen to anyone, so if not monitored properly, you might be at a higher risk.

When methadone is taken improperly, like by snorting a powdered version of it, it can result in a high similar to that of an opioid use high. When misused in this way, addiction is more likely to occur. Methadone use alters your brain, similarly to how other opioids can change your brain and how it functions.

Psychological Effects

Methadone can directly impact your mental health, increasing the likelihood of experiencing psychological effects. People can suffer from hallucinations and delusions, making it more difficult to distinguish what is real.

As a result, people using methadone might become more paranoid and suffer from sleep disorders or suicidal ideations. It can create more anxiety and put you into a place of depression, which is why going through other forms of therapy during your methadone use can be helpful.

While methadone is a medication that can help, going through talk therapy or group therapy sessions works on a different part of your problem.

Health Impacts

Long-term use of methadone can impair your liver, kidney, nerves, and brain, with more research being done to learn more about side effects. When lab rats were tested with methadone, it was found that the rats had lower attention spans than previously. This implication might mean there is a chance of impaired concentration after prolonged methadone use.


If people using methadone begin to change their doses on their own or take it more frequently, they are putting themselves at risk of an overdose. Even trying to quit cold turkey might send your body into shock, causing you to crave more than usual.

The signs that someone using methadone might be experiencing an overdose are:

  • Breathing problems: shallow breathing or trouble breathing deeply
  • A slower heart rate
  • Respiratory depression
  • Cold, clammy skin
  • Fainting
  • Weak muscles
  • Small pupils
  • Drowsiness
  • Inability to communicate

An overdose of methadone can be fatal and will need intervention to happen immediately.

Seeking Treatment With Soba Recovery

Treating methadone addiction is similar to treating every other drug addiction here at Soba Recovery Center in San Antonio, Texas. We believe that addiction can not be treated without treating each patient as the individual that they are. When you call today, you can schedule an initial consultation that helps the staff here better understand your needs.

Everyone goes through addiction differently, so we create customized treatment plans that put your needs first. Then we can determine treatment options to move you toward success and recovery.

Whether you start inpatient and move to outpatient or start with outpatient to enter into sober living quarters, we will help you make the best decisions.

Call us to talk with a Soba representative about how we can help you through your addiction. You can start your journey toward sobriety and recovery as soon as today!


Methadone – StatPearls | NCBI Bookshelf

Disposition Of Nasal, Intravenous, And Oral Methadone In Healthy Volunteers | NCBI

The Neurobiology of Opioid Dependence: Implications for Treatment | NCBI

Possible Harmful Effects From Prolonged Use Of Methadone | Medical News Today

What Is Norco? Uses and Side Effects

What Is Norco? Uses and Side Effects

If you or a loved one has ever had to endure severe pain due to an injury or surgery, they might have been prescribed Norco. Norco is the brand name for a prescription drug combination used to relieve severe pain.

When pain becomes unbearable, a doctor will usually prescribe a drug that can soothe the discomfort with more pleasurable side effects. Not everyone will be prescribed Norco; it truly depends on the severity of a person’s pain and their history with addiction.

When misused, Norco can become highly addictive and can negatively impact a person’s life. Though it can help with your pain, you don’t want to end up in the vicious cycle of opiate addiction and drug abuse.

To learn more about what Norco is, what it is used for, and what its side effects are, keep reading!

What is Norco?

Norco, similar to Vicodin, is a combination of two drugs: hydrocodone and acetaminophen. These are used to help relieve severe pain.

Hydrocodone is a schedule IIpain reliever that works on opioid receptors, similar to other controlled substances such as codeine, oxycodone, and benzodiazepines such as alprazolam. Hydrocodone will work to alter how your brain feels and reacts to pain, even sending your brain pleasure signals.

Acetaminophen is a non-opioid medication for pain relief and fever. You can find over-the-counteracetaminophen, such as Tylenol, which many use as an alternative to Ibuprofen (Advil).

Both hydrocodone and acetaminophen are analgesics, which are medicines that relieve feelings of pain. However, OTC analgesics and opioid analgesics are subject to different FDA and other regulations pertaining to prescribing and use.

It is given to a person in a capsule, a tablet, or an oral solution, usually in doses such as 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, and 15 mg. Like other medications that contain opioids, Norco has the potential to lead to dependence or addiction. If you or someone you know is prescribed Norco, it is important to take the correct dose each time and only for the necessary length of time.

How Do Opioids Work?

Opioids are either natural or synthetically made, but a majority of the opioids that people are prescribed for pain are synthetic. Opioids act on the central nervous system (CNS), binding to receptors in a person’s brain to help reduce pain by blocking it out.

When people use opioids, the good feelings that they get can become highly addicting. The euphoria that opioids can bring is not always easy to experience without the drugs in your system. For people more susceptible to addiction, this can be dangerous.

Trying to stop using opioids when you’ve been misusing them can result in negative side effects, so it’s important to seek help if substance abuse occurs.

What Is Norco Used For?

Norco is usually prescribed to people who have endured an injury, undergone serious surgery, have acute back pain, or suffer chronic pain. It blocks nerve impulses telling you that you are in pain so you don’t feel it while it’s in your system.

The dose you are given depends on your pain levels and should be taken based on your doctor’s orders.

Cough Suppressant/Muscle Relaxant

Another reason that someone might be prescribed Norco is as a muscle relaxant. If someone is dealing with moderate to severe muscle spasms or stiffness, Norco can help relax the muscles and reduce discomfort.

Norco can also work as a cough suppressant because hydrocodone is an antitussive that directly impacts the cough center of the brain.

Side Effects of Norco

The most common side effects of using Norco are constipation, breathing problems such as slowed breathing, respiratory depression, and urinary retention. This can even occur when taking Norco appropriately and changing the dosage once, so it’s important to stick to the appropriate amount.

Sometimes, slow breathing and urinary retention can be a sign that you are having an allergic reaction to the drug, so reach out to your doctor if there are any immediate issues.


If you are not using Norco for a short period of time, there are still short-term side effects that you may experience. Over time you might notice that these adverse effects go away, but new ones will pop up after long-term use.

Some short-term side effects of using Norco that you could encounter are:

  • Drowsiness, sedation, tiredness
  • Dizziness
  • Sleepiness
  • Drop in blood pressure and heart rate
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Lightheadedness
  • Constipation


There are long-term effects that might impact you as a result of the habit-forming use of Norco. Even for people that do not abuse the drug, extended use of it could lead to the following long-term side effects:

  • Abnormal nervous system function
  • Allergic reaction
  • Breathing problems
  • Bronchospasm (tightening of the muscles that line the airways in your lungs)
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Liver damage
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Hearing loss
  • Possible head injury
  • Life-threatening implications, such as death

If you experience any continuous side effects, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Dangers of Addiction to Norco

Due to the hydrocodone that is in Norco, the combination product has the potential to influence addiction. An addiction can begin if a person using Norco develops a physical dependence on the drug.

Getting help for an addiction to Norco might not happen right away as the person taking them might not even recognize they have an issue with the use of hydrocodone. Sometimes addiction is more obvious to those around the person struggling as the signs of addiction become easier to see.

Some people that develop an addiction to Norco also have co-occurring disorders like depression or bipolar disorder that can influence their chances of addiction.

Signs of Addiction

Before a person struggling can ask for help, they might give away signs of their addiction. When someone is dealing with addiction, their mental health, physical health, and behavior begin to change drastically.

Mental Health:

  • Poor judgment and decision making
  • Impaired memory
  • A decline in mental health, i.e. more anxiety, severe depression
  • Inability to focus or concentrate

Physical Health:

  • Poor coordination and balance
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Drowsiness
  • Slurred Speech
  • The yellowness of skin or eyes
  • Changes in appetite

Behavioral Changes:

  • Lying or trying to deceive
  • Using Norco even though they’re no longer prescribed it
  • Using the drug despite the negative side effects
  • Borrowing or stealing Norco from other people
  • Changing their friend group
  • Spending less time with family and friends
  • Change in personality
  • Asking for money to get more Norco

Norco Withdrawal and Overdose

When someone has become dependent on Norco, trying to quit without tapering off on your prescription can cause an adverse reaction. You may suffer from withdrawal symptoms that lead you to using again or even an opioid overdose due to using high doses of Norco.

When a person overdoses from Norco, they might have symptoms like the following. If you notice that someone is experiencing one of these symptoms, seek professional medical help as soon as possible:

  • Seizures
  • Losing consciousness
  • Disorientation
  • Slurred speech
  • Clammy skin that is cold to the touch
  • A blue tint near their fingertips
  • Labored or shallow breathing

Withdrawal from Norco can happen slowly, getting worse before it can get better. Quitting any drug cold-turkey can be extremely difficult and dangerous, so it’s recommended that you wean yourself off of drugs and under medical supervision. When someone is dependent on a drug like Norco, it can feel like something is missing when they stop using it. The brain is unable to function properly without the drug in its system blocking the pain signals.

Signs that someone is suffering from withdrawal of Norco are:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Irritability
  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal cramping and diarrhea
  • Muscle and bone pain
  • Dilated pupils

Seeking help to go through the withdrawal process safely can expand your odds of a successful recovery. Trying to detox your body by yourself doesn’t always go as planned, and getting help is always a good idea.

Get Help With Soba Recovery

Using Norco doesn’t have to lead to addiction, but when it does, seeking treatment to overcome it can give you the best results. You don’t want to go through the withdrawal process alone, and you don’t have to!

With Soba Recovery Centers in San Antonio, Texas, you can receive 24/7 care while you overcome your addiction and work toward recovery. Here at the Soba Recovery Center, our addiction specialists will develop a personalized plan.

They will guide you through the detoxification process, start you with inpatient care, implement both group therapy and individual therapy along with medication if needed, and work with you on your own time.

To see results, you have to get to the bottom of where your addiction is coming from. Reach out to a Soba representative today to learn more about what we can offer you during your addiction recovery journey.


Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen | NCBI Bookshelf

Bronchospasm And Its Biophysical Basis In Airway Smooth Muscle | NCBI

The Neurobiology of Opioid Dependence: Implications for Treatment | NCBI

Warning Signs of Substance and Alcohol Use Disorder | Information for Family and Friends | Indian Health Service

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms: What To Expect

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms: What To Expect

Anyone can struggle with addiction, no matter who they are or what the circumstances in their life are. It’s a disease that does not discriminate against anyone and can impact people you might never even consider.

Cocaine is a drug common in the party scene and is often referred to as a drug for “the rich.” That’s because of the high price point and the amount someone might need to buy to maintain their addiction.

Someone trying to quit using cocaine and become sober may find it difficult to do. Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant drug that impacts the brain and nervous system. Even after you’ve used it just once, your brain can begin to crave the euphoria associated with the drug.

Withdrawal symptoms from prolonged use or misuse of cocaine can be painful and dangerous, so intervention is often encouraged. Learn more about what to expect from cocaine use withdrawals below.

What Is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a highly addictive, Schedule II controlled substance. It is derived from the coca plant, but only recently has the psychoactive component been extracted to obtain what we know as cocaine.

It is usually snorted in powder form but can be injected or rubbed into the gums. The rock-form, known as “crack,” is smoked through a pipe.

There was a time when cocaine was used commonly in medication and elixirs before it became clear it had a high potential for addiction. When there is repeated cocaine use, the person using it can develop a physiological dependency on it.

Side Effects of Cocaine Use

When you use cocaine, there are both short-term and long-term effects that can occur. The short-term effects of cocaine use are:

  • Euphoria
  • Energy
  • Being talkative
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Lack of appetite
  • Lack of sleep

Some of the long-term effects of cocaine use can be:

  • Tolerance
  • Addiction
  • Mood swings
  • Increased anxiety and stress
  • Convulsions
  • Paranoia
  • Psychosis
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Chronic inflammation of the nasal passage

Cocaine Withdrawal: What Is It?

When someone has been using cocaine for a long period, trying to stop can feel impossible. Your brain and body are so used to having cocaine in their system that you can experience intense withdrawal symptoms if you stop.

You will have built up your tolerance and developed a physiological dependence on cocaine to the point that you will not feel normal unless you have it. Cocaine is highly addictive and doesn’t take much to get you hooked. As you use it more and more, you will need a higher quantity of it to feel good.

Eventually, they will be suffering from substance abuse without proper intervention. When a person goes without cocaine, how their body reacts can be uncomfortable and potentially fatal. For that reason alone, seeking detoxification treatment to help you through withdrawal can ensure your safety.

Causes of Cocaine Withdrawal

Cocaine impacts the brain and alters how it perceives pain and pleasure. Your brain will release higher amounts of certain chemicals into your body when using cocaine, especially for prolonged periods. This causes you to rely more on the drug to feel pleasure and a lack of pain.

When a person stops using cocaine, a crash usually follows. Not only will a person go through mental turmoil during this period, but they will also feel the negative physical side effects.

The urge to use when trying to stop or after a binge can be hard to control. If you are trying to stop using cocaine, withdrawal symptoms are likely to occur. Having a plan and support system is best to help get you through it.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Everyone going through the withdrawal process will experience it differently. How you react to the lack of cocaine in your system depends on how much you have used and for long you have been using. This varies from person to person, which means the reaction does too.

Regardless of your experience, the process can be dangerous and often very uncomfortable and painful. Your body is essentially going into shock as it’s being stripped away of any feelings of pleasure, which only enhances how bad your body feels without it.

The three areas that are most greatly affected during a cocaine withdrawal are your mental health, physical health, and behavioral health. If you’re trying to recognize if someone is going through withdrawal signs, these are the three main areas to pay attention to.

Mental Health

A person using cocaine is likely to show signs of mental distress. They may think they are behaving normally but can come across as highly energetic or irrational.

You may begin to see changes in their mood and emotions, with the inability to figure out what side of them you’re getting on a given day. Cocaine withdrawal can cause a person to experience outbursts and irritability without any great reason.

If a person is undergoing withdrawals from cocaine use, you may notice the following negative mental health symptoms:

  • Poor concentration
  • Heightened anxiety
  • Increased signs of depression
  • Paranoia
  • Debilitating dysphoria that leads to suicidal ideation

Physical Health

One of the easiest ways to tell if someone is suffering from cocaine withdrawal is to note their physical health. For many, a decline in physical health during withdrawals makes relapsing very common.

The pain and discomfort can become too much, leading to a person seeking out cocaine to make it stop. In general, a person going through cocaine withdrawal will not experience nausea or vomiting, two symptoms often associated with withdrawal from other drugs.

Physical signs that a person is experiencing cocaine withdrawals are:

  • Increased appetite
  • Slowed movements
  • Disruptions in sleep patterns
  • Cravings
  • Slowed speech
  • Lack of hygiene

Behavioral Health

You may begin to notice changes in how a loved one behaves. They may not be acting like themselves and becoming more and more distant. Going through withdrawal is difficult; people must get sick before getting better.

Withdrawals can cause a person to act out and take out their frustration and pain on others. While it’s not always a healthy way to cope, it can say a lot about what a person is going through.

Some of the behavior changes you might notice are:

  • Lashing out at loved ones
  • Isolating themselves
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Lying to loved ones

How Long Does Cocaine Withdrawal Last?

The amount of time that you go through withdrawals from cocaine depends on if you are using crack cocaine or powdered cocaine. Crack cocaine usually has a faster onset of withdrawal symptoms just hours after using it.

Acute cocaine withdrawal symptoms may only last a few days, but for others, the symptoms can occur for up to four months.

If you are not actively treating your addiction, you are more likely to relapse after trying to stop. While it’s important to stop using cocaine, you must also treat your mental and physical health. Taking care of yourself and having a support system that can help keep you on track will give you a better chance at recovery.

With the help of treatment, managing your cocaine use and withdrawal is safer and more effective. It lets you focus your energy on getting better and getting through your withdrawals.

Seeking Treatment Can Help

You don’t have to go through cocaine withdrawal on your own. Considering how uncomfortable and painful the process can be, you don’t have to be alone when seeking treatment.

Instead, with Soba Recovery in San Antonio, Texas, you can be cared for 24/7 with inpatient services or find a treatment plan that works around your schedule.

At Soba Recovery, our goal is to develop a treatment plan that helps you get to the bottom of your addiction. We work to treat all of your struggles so that you can work towards improving your mental health and getting back on track.

So much of recovery is the work you put into improving your well-being. The longer you continue to use without treatment, the harder it is to quit.

Reach out to a Soba representative to learn more about our services and how we can help you or a loved one. It’s never too late to ask for help, and we promise to be there every step of the way.


What Are The Short-Term Effects Of Cocaine Use? | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

What Are The Long-Term Effects Of Cocaine Use? | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

The Neurobiology of Cocaine Addiction | NCBI

Cocaine withdrawal | UF Health, University of Florida Health

Signs of Cocaine Use: What To Look For

Many people in the United States will come across cocaine in their lifetime. Though not everyone will take it, it can develop into an addiction for some. Using cocaine often occurs earlier in a person’s life, with it being considered a party drug.

About 1.5 million people in the United States over 12 are estimated to have cocaine use disorder. Its prevalence in media and accessibility to it makes it a very dangerous drug, as the dangers of it aren’t always made clear.

Cocaine’s glorification in the media can bring about a misunderstanding of the drug, its high risk of addiction, and the damaging effects that it can have. To help someone that is struggling with a cocaine addiction, you should be aware of the different signs to look out for.

To learn more about cocaine use and the signs that someone is misusing it, read below.

What Is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a highly addictive drug known to be more expensive than other street drugs. It is often referred to as “blow” or “coke” and is usually snorted to achieve the high. The federal government classifies it as being highly addictive with a high dependency risk.

Cocaine is a stimulant that is classified as a Schedule II drug due to the dangers it can cause. People that use cocaine often do it while partying and are more likely to use alcohol with it, which can cause even more problems.

When using cocaine, a person might experience a heightened sense of euphoria and pleasure. Cocaine stimulates the part of the brain that rewards us for good behavior, so it can become addicting quickly.

Once your body has experienced cocaine, it might become dependent on the feeling and crave more. Even after just one use, a person might begin to seek out more and mortoto achieve the same high.

Signs of Cocaine Use

When a person is using cocaine, they might show signs of the usage. It might not be obvious at first, but the more time you spend with them, the more you will be able to see it.

Cocaine use is often associated with a higher class and way of life, with many people being really good at holding jobs and maintaining families while in deep addiction. It’s not always apparent that someone is struggling with cocaine use, but the signs become clearer over time.

Every person will have their own story regarding their cocaine abuse, so no two people will display the same signs. It’s important to check in on your family and friends if you think they are struggling to give them the support they might need.


Some of the first signs of cocaine use you might pick up on are physical ones. Cocaine use can take a toll on a person’s physical health, and those close to the person might be able to see how their body and face change.

Some of the physical signs of cocaine use that you may notice are:

  • Nosebleeds
  • White powdery residue left on the nose and mouth
  • Burn marks on a person’s hands or lips
  • Lack of hygiene (not showering, brushing teeth, or combing hair)
  • Intense weight loss
  • Change in eating habits
  • Sleep-related issues
  • Dilated pupils
  • Runny nose
  • Damage to nasal passages
  • Difficulties swallowing
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Increased bursts of energy

A person may stop looking like themselves, with more of a gaunt appearance, when misusing cocaine. They might feel weaker and easily fatigued when not actively using the drug.


Cocaine use also impacts your mental health and increases your chances of mental illness. If you are someone that already struggles with mental health-related issues, using cocaine can make them worse or cause flare-ups.

Specifically, when you are coming down from a cocaine high, you can become deeply depressed and experience mental turmoil.

Some other mental health signs that someone is struggling with their cocaine use are:

  • Mood swings
  • Increased anxiety
  • Depressive episodes
  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia
  • Irritability

People using cocaine may think they are on top of the world but do not realize that their mental health is slowly declining as they continue their abuse. Seeking treatment that works on your addiction and mental health struggles is often the best way to see results.


Cocaine changes how a person behaves. While they are using it and even when they are not, cocaine can influence a person’s behavior and make them act out in ways that are not in their character.

For many, watching a person’s behavior is the greatest giveaway that they struggle with drugs. When you know the person struggling well, the changes in their behavior are hard to ignore.

Some changes that you might notice are:

  • Lying about their drug use
  • Constantly asking to borrow money
  • Hanging around with new people
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Not being able to hold down a job
  • Not taking care of their responsibilities
  • Engaging in risky and dangerous behaviors
  • Excited speech patterns
  • Bizarre and violent behaviors
  • Increased sex drive
  • Restlessness
  • Loss of interest in things they used to enjoy
  • Boost in confidence
  • Social isolation and a need for privacy

You know your loved one best. If you begin to notice changes in their behavior, you may want to work towards intervening and offering them your support. Dealing with a cocaine addiction can be isolating, and even though asking for help is hard, a community of support goes a long way.

Addiction to Cocaine

A person becomes addicted to cocaine for multiple reasons. No one thing leads a person to addiction or cocaine in particular. Instead, multiple factors play into why cocaine addiction has developed.

Anyone can become addicted to any substance, but there might be reasons why one person is more susceptible to the disease than others.

  • Genetics: People with a parent or sibling who suffers from addiction are more likely to develop an addiction in their lifetime. When meshed with other factors, this can lead to a dangerous outcome.
  • Environmental: People around drugs more, either at home or through their friends, are more likely to develop an addiction.
  • Psychological: A person struggling with other mental health disorders is more likely to develop an addiction. Addiction often latches on to people at a low place in their life. If you’re struggling and looking for ways to cope, cocaine can provide a burst of energy and euphoria that feels like a reward.
  • BrainChemistry: People who may not have been born with the proper neurotransmitters may be more likely to develop a cocaine addiction. This is because cocaine supplements what they lack and can help them to feel pleasure.

Seeking Treatment for Cocaine Addiction

If you or a loved one are struggling with cocaine addiction, there are treatment options out there that can help. Trying to quit cocaine alone might feel overwhelming and difficult to do without the right support system. Cocaine addiction requires you to detoxify and enter into therapy for your substance use disorder.

To see positive changes, you must take care of all aspects of your health. Therapy, detox, and being surrounded by supportive community members make the journey to addiction recovery feel less intimidating.

Soba Recovery Can Help

When you visit us at Soba Recovery Center in San Antonio, Texas, you can gain access to medical professionals and addiction specialists that want you to succeed. You are not alone when you’re at Soba. From around-the-clock care with our inpatient services or a more flexible commitment with our outpatient care, you get the care you deserve at our facility.

Cocaine addiction doesn’t have to be for the rest of your life. If you want help, you can get help! Reach out to a Soba representative to learn more about how we can help you or a loved one find their way to recovery.


What is Cocaine? | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Warning Signs of Drug Abuse | Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services

Understanding The Genetics And Neurobiological Pathways Behind Addiction (Review) | NCBI

The Neurobiology of Cocaine Addiction | NCBI

Is CBD Addictive? Learn the Facts

While CBD and marijuana are often used interchangeably, they are not considered the same substance. There might be some confusion about the difference and what using CBD or marijuana does to a person, but don’t worry!

Because they are so closely connected, you have to get into the specifics of CBD for others to better understand. You’re not wrong if you’re curious about CBD and have been hearing that it can benefit a person’s physical and mental health.

CBD has different effects than marijuana and is used for completely different reasons. As the research suggests, CBD is safe and can be effective for a variety of different ailments.

To learn more about what CBD is, how it’s used, and what kind of effects it can have on a person, keep reading.

What Is CBD?

CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, a compound found in cannabis sativa plants. It’s one of hundreds found in the cannabis plant, but it’s directly derived from the hemp plant and does not produce psychoactive effects.

If you thought CBD did produce a high, you might be thinking of another compound found in cannabis called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

How Do You Use It?

CBD is extracted and created into an oil, which means that it can be consumed in a variety of different ways. The most straightforward way is to use a dropper and place the oil directly under your tongue, but you can swallow capsules of it, mix it into food and drinks, and even apply it topically with a lotion or cream.

Now, many products have hemp-derived CBD oil infused into them, making CBD dog treats, CBD protein shakes, CBD gummies, CBD brownies, and vapes.

Is It Addictive?

CBD itself is not addictive. Cannabidiol interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system when consumed into the body but does not have an intoxicating effect. It’s even described as having a good safety profile, which is where its healing properties seem to come into play. Using CBD is considered more of a therapeutic choice rather than substance abuse.

Something to look out for if you’re only interested in the benefits of CBD is that some products may contain varying levels of THC, even though it’s stated that it’s a remarkably low percentage. It’s good to know where you’re getting these products before you start to take them so that you can understand the product you’re consuming and whether they will cause cravings, drowsiness, or dry mouth!

Effects of CBD

CBD may not get you high, but it can produce a variety of different effects on your mental and physical health. While it likely won’t lower your heart rate or blood pressure, it can help to soothe feelings of stress and discomfort.

Various studies have been done to learn more about what kind of benefits can actually come from CBD use, and they range from arthritis to anxiety to seizures. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests high-quality CBD could be helpful in the treatment of medical conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

CBD is often people’s last option when other medications or treatments aren’t working as they anticipated. It’s an alternative choice that doesn’t have to be your last hope but rather can help to work alongside your other treatments.

May Soothe Stress

One of CBD’s main uses appears to be for helping to soothe feelings of stress. This particular compound is thought to help alleviate some of the symptoms of stress, as well as help people with sleep disorders. CBD can help to support good sleep in people that struggle with insomnia and other related disorders.

Research is also being conducted to learn more about the potential benefits of managing the symptoms of anxiety disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder, and panic disorders.

Relief for Chronic Pain

It’s reported that the use of CBD isn’t known for significant side effects, making it a great alternative to try when dealing with health problems. Studies done on mice show that after using CBD, there was less neuropathic pain being recorded.

Many people that have tried CBD for their chronic pain say they have experienced improved quality of life, better sleep, and a higher appetite. It’s thought that cannabis treatments, including both THC and CBD, might be able to replace opioid-based treatment methods that are used specifically for pain. There is a lower risk of abusing this kind of treatment and less risk of serious side effects.

Helping With Symptoms of Depression

There is promise that CBD could help soothe the symptoms of depression. It’s thought that CBD works positively with serotoninreceptors in the brain, supporting the amount of serotonin being produced in the body. For people that struggle with depression and have lower serotonin levels, this results in a boost in mood and alleviates low feelings.

People that suffer from depression may be interested in trying out CBD alongside other treatment options like medication and therapy to see if there are any benefits. You can consume CBD daily or during episodes of depression to really see what the effects are.

Reduces Epileptic Seizures

Arguably most interestingly, CBD has been approved to treat certain epilepsy conditions, including very rare ones like Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastuaut syndrome. While these two extremely rare disorders do not typically respond to seizure medication, they showed signs of reduction when using this CBD-based drug.

This drug, Epidiolex, is a purified form of CBD that reduces the number of epileptic seizures that people have. This can be life-changing for some, as epilepsy and seizures can make living life very difficult.

When using any kind of alternative medication or treatment, you have to do what works for you and is best for you. CBD may not be something that you’re interested in, but if it becomes the last safe thing to try, it’s completely worth giving it a shot.

Side Effects of CBD

There aren’t many adverse side effects of CBD to make it concerning. Certain individuals may not respond to it the way that the majority of people do, but that’s often something you have to figure out on your own after trying it.

CBD use does not lead to addiction and does not pose a risk for abuse. However, there are some side effects that people may experience as a result of them using CBD products:

  • CBD may interact with other drugs or medication that you are taking, so you should consult with your doctor before combining the two.
  • CBD may cause an upset stomach in some individuals, whereas it can help promote better gut health in others.
  • If used with THC, you may experience mental-health-related problems like anxiety or paranoia.

It’s important that you know what you’re consuming and that you are prepared for there to be side effects, even if they don’t end up being prevalent. Doing research to learn more about CBD before using it can never hurt!

What Do the Experts Say?

Research is constantly being done on cannabidiol to learn more about its health effects and possible side effects. Especially with the legality of marijuana throughout the country, CBD has become more popular and somewhat of a stepping stone for people who are hesitant about marijuana use.

Currently, more positive research is out there supporting the belief that CBD is both safe and effective for treating a variety of disorders and health problems. If you’re interested in learning more about CBD, consult your primary care doctor to let them know why you are considering using it.

They may be able to help you decide what’s best for you and make sure that you’re using it properly.

A Word from SOBA

Though CBD is extracted from marijuana plants, it’s not considered to be on the same level as marijuana. There is no risk for abuse when using CBD unless it leads people to start using substances that contain high levels of THC or substances that are considered dangerous.

If you believe that you or a loved one are putting themselves in danger due to their CBD use, consider reaching out to SOBA Recovery of San Antonio, Texas, to talk about your concerns.

Here at SOBA, we can help you understand what you or your loved one is going through from a different perspective. While we support treatment options that will not cause addiction, you must always be careful when using a new treatment method. If you feel you could benefit from CBD, there is no harm in trying.

But be sure to share your journey with those around you, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help if it’s ever needed.


An Update on Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol: A Review of Clinical Data and Relevant Animal Studies | Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research

CANNABIDIOL (CBD): Critical Review Report | World Health Organization

The Therapeutic Effectiveness of Full Spectrum Hemp Oil Using a Chronic Neuropathic Pain Model | NCBI

Cannabinoids in the Treatment of Epilepsy: Current Status and Future Prospects | NCBI