Is Contact High Real?

Is Contact High Real?

As the dawn of cannabis legalization sweeps across numerous states and countries, being near people who are smoking is becoming more common. In these situations, you may wonder, “Can breathing in their smoke get me high?”

This is a genuine concern; you’re not alone in seeking clarity. It’s crucial to be informed and understand the situations we find ourselves in. When it comes to the idea of a contact high, the reality is that while it’s rather unlikely, it’s not entirely off the table.

We’re here to delve into this topic, providing clear, accessible information. Trust that by the end, you’ll better understand contact highs and the factors surrounding them, all delivered with a gentle touch and concern for your well-being.

What Is a Contact High?

A “contact high” refers to the idea that one can experience the effects of cannabis by being near someone using it without smoking it yourself. From attending a party where guests are smoking to walking by someone smoking in passing, it’s common to wonder if these experiences can affect your mental state or pose any long-term health risks.

Many have reported feeling altered or slightly euphoric in such scenarios, but is this psychological, physiological, or a mix of both? Delving into this concept requires an understanding of how drugs interact with our environment and our bodies.

Let’s explore the science and experiences behind contact highs, ensuring you have clear, accessible information on this intriguing phenomenon.

How Does Cannabis Work in the Body?

At the heart of the marijuana plant lies a compound known as THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. This is the primary psychoactive component responsible for the “high” that users feel. Simply put, it’s the ingredient that changes perceptions, mood, and various other cognitive functions.

But THC is just one of the myriad cannabinoids present in marijuana. These compounds are essential to understand as they play a significant role in the effects of marijuana use, both direct and secondhand.

Now, you might wonder how one gets “high” from these cannabinoids. The answer lies in a process called decarboxylation.

Raw cannabis leaves contain cannabinoids in an acidic form that can’t readily bind with the receptors in our brains to produce a high. It’s only when these cannabinoids are activated, often through heat (like when smoking weed or baking edibles), that they undergo a chemical transformation and become able to induce psychoactive effects.

Is a Contact High Possible?

The aroma of cannabis wafting through the air often raises a commonly asked question: Is it possible to get high just by being around someone smoking? In reality, the chance of experiencing a contact high, although possible, is exceptionally rare.

The conditions under which you find yourself exposed to secondhand marijuana smoke play a critical role. For instance, timing and how well-ventilated the room is matters.

Imagine being in a small room with no windows open. In this unventilated room, the smoke has nowhere to go, and the amount of THC in the air rises. In such environments, the possibility of a contact high increases, though it remains uncommon.

Now, picture the same scenario but with a breeze circulating through the ventilated room, carrying away most of the secondhand smoke. Here, the odds of experiencing any psychoactive effects are reduced dramatically.

Secondhand exposure from vaping tends to be less potent than from smoking. Vapor dissipates more quickly than smoke and usually contains fewer cannabinoids. Still, as with traditional smoking, the risk of a contact high remains minimal.

Perhaps one of the most extreme conditions is “hotboxing.” This is where individuals deliberately smoke in a confined space like a car or a tiny room without ventilation.

The goal is to intensify the effects of the cannabis. In these extreme conditions, those not actively smoking may indeed experience some effects from the overwhelming concentration of secondhand smoke.

What Does a Contact High Feel Like?

Most individuals who claim to have experienced a contact high describe it as a milder version of the sensation one gets when directly consuming cannabis. It’s vital to emphasize that most people near smokers likely won’t inhale enough THC to produce noticeable effects.

However, human experiences are varied and complex, and no two individuals react identically. Here are some possible experiences, though unlikely:

  • Potential Impairment: Some non-smokers, especially in extreme conditions, might feel light-headedness or changes in their perception of time.
  • Psychological Components: For some, merely knowing they are inhaling secondhand cannabis smoke might make them feel anxious, highlighting the psychological aspect of a contact high.
  • Intensity and Duration: Those who feel something typically describe it as subdued compared to directly smoking or consuming cannabis. Some individuals in poorly ventilated areas or during hotboxing might experience psychological and physiological effects that last just a few minutes.
  • Unsettling Effects: Even though the effects are usually milder, they can be disturbing or upsetting, especially for non-smokers who weren’t expecting to feel any different.

Is Secondhand Cannabis Smoke Dangerous?

As the understanding of cannabis grows, so does the investigation into the potential risks of secondhand cannabis smoke.

While the levels of THC in secondhand cannabis smoke are lower than in inhaled smoke, it is not entirely absent. The levels, however, are generally not high enough to cause any significant psychoactive effects.

While both secondhand cannabis and cigarette smoke carry their unique risks, it’s crucial to note that secondhand cannabis smoke doesn’t contain nicotine. However, similar to secondhand tobacco smoke, it does contain other harmful chemicals, some of which are cancer-causing.

Beyond psychoactive effects, exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke might lead to symptoms like increased heart rate, dry throat, or even mild respiratory irritation. In any case, it’s always advisable to be cautious and considerate of those around you, ensuring that everyone’s well-being and comfort are taken into account.

Tips for Smokers and Nonsmokers

Creating a harmonious environment around cannabis use requires understanding and empathy from both smokers and nonsmokers. For smokers, it’s vital to recognize the comfort and well-being of those around you, especially those who are sober or unfamiliar with the effects of cannabis. Being mindful of where and when you smoke can go a long way in ensuring everyone feels at ease.

Actions like opting for outdoor spaces, ensuring rooms are well-ventilated, or even considering alternatives like edibles can significantly reduce unintentional secondhand exposure. Remember, while smoking does introduce cannabis smoke to those nearby, consuming edibles ensures that only the person consuming is affected. This might be preferable when in the company of nonsmokers or those in recovery.

For nonsmokers, it’s reassuring to know that the likelihood of a contact high is quite low. However, it’s still essential to be proactive in ensuring your comfort. Simple measures like opening windows, using fans, or even communicating your concerns can make a substantial difference in how you feel.

If ever in doubt or if you’re feeling the effects of secondhand smoke, always prioritize your well-being and consider consulting a medical professional for guidance. Everyone has a role to play in fostering a respectful and considerate environment around cannabis use.

Protecting non-smokers and ensuring responsible behavior around cannabis consumption is paramount. Empathy lies at the heart of creating a comfortable environment for everyone, particularly when it comes to secondhand cannabis exposure. Just as individuals show caution with tobacco smoke, marijuana smokers must similarly be conscious of their surroundings.

Simple actions like stepping outside or ensuring adequate ventilation can make a significant difference. Small, enclosed spaces can be particularly challenging for non-smokers and may lead to unintended passive exposure.

It’s worth noting that while smoking introduces secondhand cannabis smoke to others in the vicinity, edibles don’t pose the same challenges. Edibles are consumed directly, ensuring the effects are confined to the consumer. This method might be a more considerate choice in certain situations.

Nevertheless, if there are any concerns about the effects of secondhand marijuana smoke, it’s always recommended to seek advice from a medical professional who can provide tailored guidance.

The Bottom Line

Understanding the nuances of a contact high is integral to harmonious coexistence in our evolving society.

The potential for a contact high, although minimal, does exist. As with many aspects of life, awareness, understanding, and respect for others play pivotal roles. Responsible marijuana use isn’t solely about the user but also about the comfort and well-being of those around them.

Drawing parallels with the ethos of organizations like SOBA New Jersey, it’s evident that creating an understanding environment, whether it’s about addiction recovery or passive marijuana exposure, always yields the best outcomes for everyone involved.

Because at the end of the day, it’s not just about understanding the facts but also about how we approach and support one another on our unique journeys.


Non-Smoker Exposure to Secondhand Cannabis Smoke. I. Urine Screening and Confirmation Results | Journal of Analytical Toxicology | Oxford Academic

Concentrations of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-nor-9-carboxytetrahydrocannabinol in blood and urine after passive exposure to Cannabis smoke in a coffee shop | PMC

Fine Particulate Matter Exposure From Secondhand Cannabis Bong Smoking | PMC

General Information About Secondhand Smoke | CDC

Celebrities in Recovery: 10 Sober Stars

Celebrities in Recovery: 10 Sober Stars

In every corner of society, from our neighborhoods to glittering Hollywood, addiction casts its challenging shadow. This struggle doesn’t discriminate by fame, fortune, or demographics.

At its core, addiction is a human challenge, reaching individuals of every background and reminding us of our shared fragility and strength. Yet, amid these challenges, hope shines brightly through the stories of those who embark on the journey of recovery.

Role models in the recovery community — from our close friends to celebrities we admire from afar — serve as powerful beacons, showing that recovery is possible.

Let’s celebrate the spirit of resilience and remind ourselves that sobriety is not just a personal journey but one that many, including some familiar faces, tread upon with grace and determination.

10 Sober Celebrities in Recovery

Each celebrity story sheds light on the universality of addiction challenges, but more importantly, on the strength and willpower inherent in all of us to overcome and find our way back.

1. Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato’s journey, like so many, has been paved with ups and downs. From 2010, they’ve been candid about their challenges with substance use, eating disorders, and bipolar disorder.

In 2018, they experienced a particularly dark moment; after marking six years of sobriety, Demi faced a relapse and a harrowing overdose. However, adversity can lead to profound transformation.

Demi’s commitment to a revitalized, sober life is evident almost five years after the hospitalization. They have discussed how they are committed to being more than “California Sober” and has leaned into therapy, found solace in joyful hobbies, and surrounded themselves with a community that reinforces their positive choices.

Demi’s triumphant return was marked by a successful tour in 2022, showing that with determination and the right support, a comeback is always possible.

2. Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore’s story begins astonishingly early. Finding fame as a child, she experienced the pressures of Hollywood firsthand, leading her to experience alcohol addiction by the age of 11 and cocaine addiction by 12.

At just 13, after a suicide attempt, she entered rehab. While Barrymore was sober for many of the following years, life threw more challenges her way. Her third marriage in 2016 ended, leading her to a relapse.

Yet, Drew’s story is not one of defeat but resilience. Relapse, though difficult, is a chapter many face in their recovery journey. It’s not an indication of failure but a reminder that recovery is a continuous process.

Drew’s journey teaches us the importance of seeing relapses not as reasons for shame or judgment but as moments that can be overcome with the right tools and resources. Now, having journeyed through the highs and lows, Barrymore stands strong.

She continues to host her successful daytime show and is not only sober but also managing a fulfilling personal life, dating, co-parenting her children, and surrounding herself with supportive friends. Her story is a testament to the fact that with determination and support, recovery is always within reach.

3. Robert Downey Jr.

A tale of revival and determination defines Robert Downey Jr.’s journey. With a family history of addiction, the early chapters of Downey Jr.’s life are filled with tumultuous stories.

From being a teenage sensation to navigating the pitfalls of stardom, Downey Jr. battled with cocaine, heroin, and alcohol abuse. Court-mandated rehab and prison were recurring phases of his life. But, during what Downey Jr. considers one of the lowest points of his life, he took the leap of committing to his recovery journey.

Leaving behind his troubled past, Downey Jr. embarked on a new chapter of sobriety and renewal. This remarkable turnaround saw him rise from the shadows of obscurity to the limelight of Hollywood’s A-list.

With iconic roles in movies such as Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, and the Avengers series, he reminds us that the path to redemption is paved with resilience.

4. Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper’s story is an intimate tapestry of success, vulnerability, and redemption. While Cooper is now committed to his sober lifestyle, his experience with addiction — which he channeled for his 2018 Oscar-nominated role in A Star Is Born — is raw and personal.

The year 2006 marked a challenging chapter, with an arrest for cocaine possession that thrust him into international headlines, threatening to overshadow his ascending career. Yet, adversity can be a catalyst for profound transformation.

With 19 years of sobriety now under his belt, Cooper’s commitment to recovery isn’t just personal. He actively supports others in his circle in navigating the challenges of addiction.

Over the years, Cooper has been a voice of transparency, candidly sharing his battles with substance abuse and overcoming them. In doing so, he offers hope to countless individuals, reminding them that they can rewrite their narratives with determination and support.

5. Naomi Campbell

Naomi Campbell’s journey through the world of fashion is not just about her prowess on the runway but also about the inner battles she fought away from the spotlight. The iconic supermodel has opened up about her struggles grappling with alcohol and cocaine addiction during the early 2000s.

Recognizing that her drinking was interfering with her life, Campbell decided to join Alcoholics Anonymous, which provided her with a community and approach that helped her embrace sobriety. That was not her only fight; in 1999, she checked into rehab to address her cocaine addiction, signaling her resolve to prioritize her health and well-being.

Today, Naomi stands not only as a beacon in the fashion world but also as a testament to the power of recovery. By sharing her experiences and vulnerability, she offers solace and motivation to others on their journey, highlighting that no matter how steep the path, with support and tools, one can indeed rise again.

6. Samuel L. Jackson

A titan of the film industry, Samuel L. Jackson’s cinematic journey is interwoven with personal growth and self-discovery. With nearly a quarter-century of sobriety behind him, Jackson’s commitment to his recovery has reshaped his personal life and profoundly influenced his approach to character creation.

Jackson’s openness about his experience reminds us that addiction is not a moral failing but an opportunity for growth and transformation. As he says in his words: “I understood, through rehab, things about creating characters. I understood that creating whole people means knowing where we come from, how we can make a mistake, and how we overcome things to make ourselves stronger.”

Through his recovery journey, Jackson beautifully encapsulates the essence of perseverance and self-awareness.

7. Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps’ tale is one of extraordinary triumph, both inside and outside the pool. As the holder of the most Olympic Gold Medals in history, his accolades speak for themselves.

But, behind the medals and applause, Phelps grappled with personal challenges. His second DUI arrest in 2014 led him to seek addiction treatment, a decision that became a turning point.

Phelps’ resilience saw him return to the pool, securing five gold medals in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio. Reflecting on his journey, Phelps has shared how his alcohol use correlated with depression and anxiety — a common experience known as a dual diagnosis.

This realization led Phelps to take steps to regain some control. He checked himself into an in-patient treatment center and has become an advocate for therapy — helping others feel more confident in reaching out for seeking out support.

8. Lindsey Lohan

From charming audiences as a child in “The Parent Trap” to making waves in hits like “Mean Girls,” Lindsey Lohan’s early career was nothing short of stellar. But with the highs came the lows. Her journey became tumultuous, marked by drug and alcohol challenges that led her to rehab and jail.

After a period of self-reflection and healing, including her sixth visit to rehab and her eye-opening 2014 docuseries with Oprah Winfrey, Lohan embarked on a new chapter. Now several years sober, she’s channeling her energies into positive ventures.

Her podcast, “Lohdown,” is a platform where she engages with guests about their impactful life journeys. In 2022, she returned to the screen with the heartwarming film “Falling for Christmas.”

And, in a testament to the new chapters and joy recovery can bring, she celebrated the birth of her first child with Bader Shammas this summer. Through her resilience, Lohan reminds us all of the beauty and possibilities that recovery can offer.

9. Brad Pitt

The story of Brad Pitt’s journey to sobriety highlights the power of self-awareness and the courage to face one’s vulnerabilities head-on. In a candid chat with the New York Times, Pitt unveiled a side of himself that many hadn’t seen.

He spoke about attending 12-Step meetings and deciding to relinquish alcohol. Brad’s honesty about revealing the less-than-perfect parts of his life resonates deeply.

He has spoken about the feelings of freedom that come with building awareness of and being open about his less glamorous sides. His journey underscores that embracing our flaws can often pave the way to profound growth and liberation.

10. Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry, globally recognized for his role as Chandler Bing in Friends, has a personal story marked by struggles and triumphs. His battles with alcohol and opiates became the foundation for a future of service and advocacy.

Having embraced sobriety in 2001, Perry transformed his personal struggles into an empowering mission to help others. With a heart driven to make a difference, Perry has championed the cause of recovery support.

He donated his Malibu home to foster a sober living environment and stood before the U.S. Congress, emphasizing the need to expand Drug Courts and improve treatment services for veterans.

He believes that sharing his struggles now can help others come to terms with their own addiction, underscoring the importance of community and peer support in addiction recovery. His tale is a beacon of hope, showing that even after the darkest nights, a new dawn awaits, filled with purpose and promise.

Starting Your Own Sobriety Journey: What To Know

Every journey begins with a single step, and when it comes to the path of sobriety, that step is often wrapped in courage and hope. If you or a loved one is contemplating this transformative voyage, knowing you’re not alone is essential.

Seeking help and embracing personalized care, like the one offered at SOBA New Jersey, can make all the difference. At SOBA New Jersey, we understand the importance of an environment that listens without judgment and understands with empathy.

Every individual’s journey is unique and filled with its own set of challenges and victories. It’s crucial to have a support system that tailors its approach to your individual needs, mirroring the same principles on which SOBA New Jersey builds our community and programming.

The Bottom Line

The resilience and strength displayed by the celebrities we’ve discussed are nothing short of inspirational. Their stories aren’t just tales of fame and fortune but testaments to the human spirit’s undying tenacity.

And if there’s one thing to take away from their narratives, it’s this: recovery is a universal possibility. It isn’t limited by status, background, or past mistakes. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s ability to heal, grow, and thrive.

If you or someone you cherish is battling addiction, remember that help is just a call away. Recognizing the need for support isn’t a sign of weakness but a celebration of strength. It’s an acknowledgment that every mountain is easier to climb when you have someone walking beside you.

Here at SOBA Recovery, we’re ready to walk this path with you, tailoring individual recovery plans that fit your unique needs. Embrace the chance to rewrite your story, filled with hope, healing, and endless possibilities.

And remember, every day offers a new beginning. Reach out to us, and let’s welcome that new day together.


Relapse | Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Dual Diagnosis: Definition & Treatment | Cleveland Clinic

Benefits of talking therapies | NHS

Opioids | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Pathways to Long-Term Recovery: A Preliminary Investigation | PMC

Dual Diagnosis: What Does It Mean?

Dual Diagnosis

Navigating the twists and turns of life can often seem overwhelming, and even more so when faced with the added complexities of mental health and substance abuse. If you’re here, reading this, please remember you’re not alone. Your strength and courage are already evident.

A dual diagnosis intertwines two major life challenges. Yet, it’s a situation that’s far more common than you might think. This journey can be particularly arduous, but understanding its nature and impact is the first step toward healing.

At the intersection of mental health and substance use disorders, dual diagnosis highlights the deep-rooted connections between our minds and our choices. This vital topic carries significant weight, not just for those directly affected but for everyone who touches their lives.

What Is a Dual Diagnosis?

A dual diagnosis, also referred to as a comorbidity or co-occurring disorder, occurs when a person experiences a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder simultaneously.

A dual diagnosis can involve a range of mental health disorders, such as anxiety disorders or bipolar disorder, and a variety of substance use disorders, like alcohol or drug abuse.

The coexistence of these conditions is not unusual. According to a 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 9.2 million U.S. adults experienced mental health and substance use disorders that year. You’re not alone. There are many others sharing this challenging journey, and together, progress and healing become more attainable.

What Diagnoses Could Be Part of a Dual Diagnosis?

When it comes to a dual diagnosis, the co-occurring mental health conditions can vary. They may range from anxiety disorders, personality disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to attention-deficit disorders.

Each of these can considerably impact a person’s quality of life, and when coupled with substance use disorders, the effects can be compounded.

Along with a mental health disorder, those experiencing a dual diagnosis also struggle with substance use disorders, which involve recurrent use of alcohol or drugs causing significant clinical and functional impairment. This could be reflected in health problems, disability, and failure to meet responsibilities at work, school, or home.

Specifically, these disorders can relate to alcohol use disorder, drug abuse — with a particular emphasis on opioids and other substances — and practices of self-medication.

As we delve into these disorders, it’s vital to approach this conversation with understanding and empathy. Approach this learning without judgment, and remember, mental illness and addiction are not a cause for shame.

In fact, gaining a deeper understanding of these conditions can empower you. Each new insight you gain is a significant step on the path to healing.

What Can Cause a Dual Diagnosis?

The interplay between mental health problems and substance use disorders can be influenced by various factors, including risk factors such as periods of heightened stress, trauma, and genetic factors. Each individual’s journey is unique, and no single path leads to a dual diagnosis.

In the landscape of the mind, periods of extreme stress or trauma can amplify the likelihood of both mental health disorders and substance use disorders coinciding. When life’s trials press heavily, some individuals may find themselves turning to substances as a way of coping, unintentionally paving the way toward a dual diagnosis.

Genetic factors also contribute to the complex tapestry of dual diagnosis. Just as hair color or height can be inherited, so can predispositions to certain mental health conditions and tendencies toward substance abuse. Understanding this can help to unravel feelings of blame or guilt that you may carry.

Substance abuse can also heighten the symptoms of mental health issues and vice versa. This reciprocal relationship exists because both conditions often serve as coping mechanisms for the other.

A person experiencing heightened anxiety, for example, might resort to alcohol or drugs to mitigate their feelings of unease. In turn, the substance use could exacerbate the symptoms of their anxiety, creating a cyclical and challenging situation to navigate.

How Is a Dual Diagnosis Diagnosed?

When faced with the complex situation of a dual diagnosis, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. Seeking help from professionals is an act of courage and self-care, and there are many resources and specialists ready to guide you on your recovery journey.

Healthcare professionals, clinicians, and psychiatrists play an integral role in the diagnosis process. These experts in mental health and substance use disorders are equipped to provide a comprehensive diagnosis, often employing resources like the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Once you have received a dual diagnosis, rather from a professional or through self-diagnoses, seeking support for both the mental health condition and the substance abuse disorder plays a key role in the recovery process.

What Are Dual Diagnosis Treatment Options?

Following a diagnosis, an integrated treatment program is a beacon of hope, guiding you toward recovery. Integrated treatment refers to concurrently addressing mental health and substance use disorders — an approach that holistically considers the unique intricacies of each individual’s situation.

Inpatient and outpatient treatments both have their place, and the choice between them often depends on personal circumstances and the severity of the conditions. While inpatient treatment provides a structured, residential setting, outpatient treatment allows for flexibility, enabling individuals to live at home while attending regular treatment sessions.

The treatment process may encompass medication, psychotherapy, and detoxification. Medication helps manage mental health disorder symptoms and ease withdrawal symptoms, psychotherapy allows for exploring underlying issues and building coping strategies, and detoxification aids in eliminating substances from the body.

Importantly, personalized treatment plans cater to individual needs, histories, and goals, creating a bespoke roadmap that respects each person’s unique journey. With professional guidance, even challenging withdrawal symptoms can be managed effectively, reducing discomfort and aiding in the transition toward improved health.

At Soba New Jersey, dual diagnosis treatment is one of our specialties, and we are committed to individualized care. We understand that the journey to recovery is deeply personal, so our professional team tailors each treatment plan to cater to your unique needs.

When it comes to a dual diagnosis, addressing the root of the issue is key to empowering you to navigate current and future challenges. Our mental health professionals are seasoned in managing various mental health disorders, often accompanying substance abuse issues.

Our center provides a nurturing, secure environment for you to explore your healing process while our experts help navigate the complexities of your condition, offering an array of treatment options from detoxification to psychotherapy. Remember, at SOBA Recovery, your journey to wellness is ours too.

Support Systems and Resources for Dual Diagnosis

As essential as professional help is, the value of support systems in managing dual diagnosis cannot be overstated. These networks of understanding and encouragement often include peer support groups, which provide a safe space to connect with others navigating similar journeys. Such shared experiences can offer both comfort and practical insights.

Beyond support groups, various behavioral health resources and interventions can play a significant role in recovery. These can include educational materials, cognitive-behavioral therapies, and stress management techniques.

At SOBA Recovery, we believe in creating connections that can help foster healing and recovery. We offer both inpatient and outpatient plans, utilizing an array of treatment options that can include cognitive behavioral therapy, peer support, and adventure therapy — which promotes community, engagement, and personal growth.

This combination of one-on-one therapy and group outings into nature allow for new experiences that often works as a catalyst for profound, therapeutic change, aiding in the recovery process while strengthening the bonds within our supportive SOBA community.

Steps To Take If You or a Loved One Has a Dual Diagnosis

When you’re dealing with a dual diagnosis, either personally or in a loved one, the path forward can seem daunting. But by being observant, proactive, and supportive, you can navigate these complexities with grace and courage.

Firstly, recognizing the warning signs is crucial. These could include:

  • Noticeable shifts in behavior, mood, or health
  • Increased substance use
  • Heightened emotional distress

If you notice any such changes, it’s important to seek help, either through a healthcare professional or a peer support group. If a loved one is facing this battle, you can offer support through encouragement, reminding them of their strength and worth.

And remember, the journey doesn’t end at diagnosis or even after initial treatment. Continued care and management are key to long-term recovery, and regular check-ins with health professionals can help maintain progress.

The Bottom Line

Navigating the complexities of dual diagnosis can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that understanding and treating this condition is possible and within reach.

Both mental health and substance use disorders require attention and care, and resources like health professionals, support groups, and comprehensive treatment plans can provide vital support.

At Soba New Jersey, we’re here to walk alongside you on your journey to recovery. We believe that each individual deserves a path to recovery tailored to their unique needs, and our experienced team is equipped to deliver comprehensive, individualized treatment plans.

We prioritize creating a comfortable, safe environment to navigate these complexities with mental health professionals who specialize in the disorders often found in dual-diagnosis cases.

Remember: recovery is possible. Taking the next step requires courage, resilience, and persistence, but you don’t have to take it alone. Reach out to us today, and let us guide you to the healthier, happier life you deserve.


Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health | SAMHSA

Addressing Trauma in Substance Abuse Treatment | NYU

Part 1: The Connection Between Substance Use Disorders and Mental Illness | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) | NIH

Tips for Coping with Stress | CDC

Cognitive behavioral therapy | Mayo Clinic

Mental Health & Addiction: What Is Substance Use Disorder?

Gain a deeper understanding of Substance Use Disorder's impact on mental health. Discover hope and healing in our informative guide.

We all grapple with challenges in our lives. And sometimes, people turn to substances as a way to cope, resulting in the development of a Substance Use Disorder (SUD).

The importance of understanding this condition cannot be understated. In this ever-inclusive, compassion-driven world, we ought to understand that mental health issues, like SUD, are medical conditions, not moral failings.

In this article, we’ll explore what Substance Use Disorder is, its symptoms, and the factors contributing to it. Further, we’ll discuss how we can provide support to individuals facing this challenge and where to seek help. Your journey towards understanding starts here.

What Is Substance Use Disorder?

If you’ve ever tried to understand addiction, you’ve probably come across the term ”Substance Use Disorder” (SUD). It sounds pretty technical, right? But really, it’s just a way for professionals to talk about a pattern of substance use that’s causing significant problems in a person’s life.

Think about alcohol or drugs interfering with work, school, or relationships. Or perhaps even causing health problems or legal issues. If any of these sound familiar, we’re likely looking at a case of SUD.

Now, within this broad umbrella of SUD, there are two terms that you might find — substance dependence and substance addiction. Let’s dive into those.

What Is Substance Dependence?

Substance dependence can be a bit tricky to understand, but in simple terms, it’s when a person becomes physically dependent on a substance. Their body has become so used to the substance that they need it to feel “normal.”

Without it, they might experience withdrawal symptoms — these can be anything from feeling anxious or irritable to having physical symptoms like shaking, sweating, or nausea.

What Is Substance Addiction?

Now, substance addiction (also known as drug addiction) is a notch higher on the severity scale. It’s not just about the body needing the substance. It’s more about the mind.

Here, the person has an intense craving or compulsion to use the substance, even when they’re aware of the negative consequences. In other words, despite knowing the substance is causing harm, the desire to use it overshadows everything else.

What Substances Are Associated With Substance Use Disorder?

A wide array of legal and illicit substances can lead to the development of a Substance Use Disorder. These include alcohol, opioids (such as heroin and prescription pain medications), stimulants (like cocaine and methamphetamine), hallucinogens (LSD, for example), inhalants, sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics (such as benzodiazepines).

It’s also important to note that Substance Use Disorders can develop from the use of substances that some might not consider harmful, like cannabis or prescription drugs.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA), through its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), provides detailed criteria for diagnosing SUD for different substances, including cannabis, opioids, hallucinogens, stimulants, alcohol, and others. The DSM-5 makes it clear that SUD is a mental illness, highlighting the substantial overlap between mental health and addiction.

The Impact of Substance Use Disorder on Mental Health

The intricate relationship between mental health and substance use can’t be overstated. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), have both highlighted this complex interaction.

Mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) often co-occur with SUD. This co-occurrence can exacerbate both conditions, leading to larger amounts of substance use and increased mental health symptoms.

What Are the Signs of Substance Use Disorder?

Recognizing the signs of Substance Use Disorder is crucial in seeking timely help.

Here are some common signals you may observe:

Increased Tolerance

Increased tolerance is a clear red flag. As a person continues using a substance, their body adjusts, requiring more to achieve the same effect.

This escalation isn’t just about needing one more drink at a party; it’s a systemic change in how the body responds to the substance, making substance use more dangerous and withdrawal more intense.

Neglect of Responsibilities

As Substance Use Disorder progresses, the substance becomes the person’s main priority. This obsession often results in missed deadlines at work, skipped classes, or ignored household chores.

Everyday responsibilities are abandoned in pursuit of substance use, which disrupts a person’s daily life and can have severe consequences in their professional and personal relationships.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms occur when a substance-dependent person attempts to quit or cut back. These can be physical symptoms like nausea, shaking, and sweating or psychological symptoms like anxiety, irritability, or depression. The intensity of withdrawal can be terrifying, often leading individuals back to substance use just to feel normal again.

Failed Attempts to Quit

Despite the adverse effects, a person with Substance Use Disorder may find quitting or reducing their substance use incredibly challenging. They may express a strong desire to change and even make multiple attempts.

Yet, substance dependence’s physical and psychological grip often leads to relapse, highlighting the importance of professional help and support in recovery.

Persistent Use Despite Known Harm

One of the most alarming signs of SUD is persistent use despite awareness of harm. Individuals continue to use substances even when it’s causing significant health issues, ruining relationships, or leading to financial troubles.

This persistent use, even in the face of negative consequences, underscores the compulsive nature of Substance Use Disorder and the critical need for intervention.

What Contributes to Substance Abuse?

Understanding the factors contributing to Substance Use Disorder is crucial. These contributing elements can vary from person to person and are typically a mix of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Each of these elements interplays uniquely in every person’s life, leading to the complexity of addiction.

Genetic Factors

Genetics can play a significant role in the development of Substance Use Disorder. Research indicates that addiction has a strong hereditary component.

If a person has a close relative, like a parent or sibling, who struggles with substance use, their risk of developing a similar disorder is higher. However, it’s essential to remember that genetics alone don’t predetermine addiction. Instead, they influence susceptibility to it.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors significantly impact a person’s likelihood of substance use. Individuals exposed to environments where drug use is prevalent or normalized have a higher risk of developing Substance Use Disorder.

Such environments might include households, peer groups, schools, or communities. Furthermore, exposure to trauma, high-stress levels, or the lack of a supportive social network can contribute to a higher risk of substance use.

Early Use

The age at which a person first uses drugs or alcohol can affect the likelihood of developing Substance Use Disorder. Studies suggest that using substances at a young age can interfere with normal brain development, leading to long-term mental and physical health effects. Early use often acts as a gateway, increasing the risk of more severe substance use in the future.

Social Pressure

Social pressure is a significant factor contributing to the initiation and continuation of substance use, particularly among younger individuals. The desire to fit in or to escape criticism or judgment can lead to the experimental use of substances. This occasional use can gradually morph into a routine and ultimately result in Substance Use Disorder.

Easy Availability and Accessibility

When substances are readily available, the risk of substance use increases. This accessibility could be from living in an area with a high prevalence of drugs or alcohol, or it might involve having friends or family members who use substances regularly. The ease of obtaining substances can lower the barrier to initial experimentation and continued use.

Inadequate Coping Skills

Individuals may turn to substances as a means to cope with life’s stressors, such as personal problems, financial difficulties, or career challenges. Without the development of healthy coping strategies, the reliance on substances for stress relief can become a pattern. This coping mechanism can ultimately lead to the development of Substance Use Disorder.

Mental Health Disorders

A strong correlation exists between mental health disorders and Substance Use Disorder, creating what experts refer to as a dual diagnosis. Conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and ADHD can make an individual more susceptible to substance abuse.

Some people may turn to drugs or alcohol to self-medicate, managing symptoms of their mental health conditions. However, this often leads to a vicious cycle where substance use worsens mental health symptoms, leading to further use.

Lack of Knowledge

Lack of awareness about the dangers of substance use and addiction can also contribute to Substance Use Disorder. People might underestimate the risk of addiction when they start experimenting with drugs or alcohol, especially if they’re young. Education about the dangers of substance use, including the risk of addiction, is crucial for prevention.

Understanding these factors makes it clear that no single cause leads to Substance Use Disorder. Instead, it is a complex interplay of various elements. By acknowledging these factors, we can better comprehend the struggles faced by those with Substance Use Disorder, empathize with their journey, and offer the support they need during their recovery process.

Remember, substance use is not a moral failing; it’s a complex health issue requiring understanding, compassion, and comprehensive treatment.

What Is the Best Way To Support Someone With Substance Use Disorder?

Supporting someone with Substance Use Disorder requires understanding, patience, and appropriate actions. It’s not always easy, but your support can significantly impact their journey to recovery.

Below are some of the best ways to provide that support:

Educate Yourself About Substance Use Disorder

Understanding Substance Use Disorder is the first step in providing meaningful support. Learn about the nature of addiction, its causes, its impacts on mental and physical health, and the available treatment options.

The more knowledge you have, the more empathetic and effective your support will be. Knowledge will also help dispel myths or misconceptions about addiction, allowing you to interact without bias or judgment.

Practice Empathy and Understanding

Empathy goes a long way when dealing with individuals struggling with Substance Use Disorder. Try to understand the person’s feelings and experiences without criticism or judgment.

Acknowledge their struggle without enabling their substance use. Express your concern about their well-being in a caring and understanding way, focusing on their potential to recover rather than their current situation.

Encourage Treatment

While the decision to seek help must ultimately come from the individual, you can encourage this step. Discuss the benefits of professional help and assure them of your support throughout the treatment process.

You can assist in researching different treatment options and centers, like Soba Recovery, to help them make an informed decision.

Maintain Healthy Boundaries

When supporting someone with a Substance Use Disorder, it’s essential to maintain healthy boundaries to protect your own mental and emotional health. Let the person know what you can and can’t do to support them, and be firm in upholding these boundaries.

This might involve refusing to provide money that could be used for substances or declining to cover up for their behaviors related to substance use.

Offer Emotional Support

Living with Substance Use Disorder can be an isolating experience. Offering emotional support to your loved one can make a significant difference in their recovery journey.

Listen to them, show that you care about their feelings, and reassure them they’re not alone. This might involve simply being there for them, encouraging open conversations, or participating in activities that help them relax and feel connected.

Reinforce Positive Behaviors

Recognize and reward the efforts they’re making toward recovery. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in motivating individuals to stick with their treatment plan and make necessary lifestyle changes.

This could be acknowledging their commitment to attending therapy sessions, their courage in discussing their struggles, or even their effort to reduce substance use.

Seek Professional Advice

Substance Use Disorder is a complex issue, and it’s okay not to have all the answers. Reach out to healthcare professionals or addiction specialists for advice. They can provide guidance on how best to support your loved one, help you understand what they’re going through, and recommend appropriate treatment options.

They can also offer resources to help you cope with the challenges of supporting someone with a Substance Use Disorder. For example, joining a support group can provide an outlet to share experiences and learn from others in similar situations.

Can Behavioral Therapy Help With Substance Use Disorder?

Behavioral therapy can modify attitudes and behaviors related to drug use, enhance healthy life skills, and support medication and treatment adherence.

Are Prescription Drugs a Concern in Substance Use Disorder?

Yes, misuse of prescription drugs like opioids and benzodiazepines can lead to Substance Use Disorder and dangerous health conditions, including drug overdose.

How Do Inpatient and Outpatient Treatments Differ?

Inpatient treatment involves full-time living at a facility, while outpatient treatment permits individuals to live at home and attend daytime treatment.

Where Can I Find More Information on Substance Use Disorder?

Fact sheets and information are available on the NIDA, SAMHSA, and other .gov health websites. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Getting Help With Soba

Navigating the road to recovery from a Substance Use Disorder can be challenging, but it’s essential to remember that you’re not alone. At Soba Recovery, we understand the intricate dynamics of addiction, and we believe in the power of comprehensive treatment to foster healing and sustained recovery.

We offer individualized treatment plans crafted to address each person’s unique needs and circumstances. Our compassionate team, comprising medical professionals and addiction specialists, works tirelessly to provide a supportive and nurturing environment that facilitates recovery. We take pride in our holistic approach, which combines various therapeutic modalities such as individual counseling, group therapy, family therapy, and skills training.

At Soba Recovery, we’re more than just a treatment center — we’re a community. Our clients and their families find strength and support from our team and each other. We stand together in the fight against addiction and celebrate every victory, no matter how small it may seem.

Don’t let Substance Use Disorder dictate your life. We invite you to reach out to us today and discover how we can support your journey toward recovery. We believe in you, and together, we can help you regain control of your life. Your story is far from over, and with Soba Recovery, a new chapter awaits.

Recovery starts with a call. Contact Soba Recovery today to discuss your options and start your journey toward healing.


What Is a Substance Use Disorder? | American Psychiatric Association

Drug addiction (substance use disorder) – Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic

Substance Use Disorder | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Opioids: Understanding Addiction Versus Dependence | HSS

10 Sober Activities To Do This Weekend

10 Sober Activities To Do This Weekend - Soba Recovery

Being an adult and trying to have a social life while sober can be intimidating. So often you hear, “Want to grab a drink?” or “We should meet up at the bar this weekend!” when trying to make plans with people, especially when they don’t know you are sober. Usually, the worst part is announcing your sobriety and hoping people don’t look at you differently.

If you are looking for something fun to do this week that doesn’t involve drugs or alcohol, we have you covered. Keep reading to learn our favorite sober activities.

Being Sober Doesn’t Have to Be Boring

Being sober and in recovery from substance abuse doesn’t mean you can’t have fun anymore. You don’t need substances to have a good time. It’s all about the way you frame situations in your mind and make the best of them. Having good people who support your sobriety and can be creative when planning an activity makes having fun even easier.

It’s also important to note that many activities that you did while you were using can still be done without using. You can attend concerts, shows, and events without drinking or using drugs and have the same amount of fun as you thought you were having before. Hanging with friends or going to grab dinner doesn’t need to include drinking.

By staying busy and having fun with yourself and friends, you end up helping your chances of not relapsing. When you are motivated and looking forward to things, you are less likely to turn back to substances.

Fun Sober Activities To Do

You could come up with a million activities, but sometimes things can start to feel redundant. Only some have the funds to go out on lavish weekend trips every month or treat themselves to weekly spa excursions, so coming up with unique and sometimes easy activities is the key.

You don’t want to overwhelm yourself with coming up with a new activity every day but will want to have go-to’s that never fail to bring you joy. You can do the following things while sober and still enjoy every second.

1. Dinner and a Movie

We know this is a classic, but you can truly never go wrong! You have two options here. Option one: Find a friend or a date and go out to your favorite restaurant, following it up with a new movie at the most comfortable theater in town.

Second option: order some delicious take-out and put something on the TV. Relax and enjoy the show from the comfort of your own home. There’s really nothing better.

2. Attend a Comedy Show

When struggling with addiction, it can become really dark and lonely as many people suffer from depression. Laughing can do wonders for your body when you are struggling, so finding a local comedy show when sober will only enhance the funny.

Order yourself a mocktail, grab an appetizer (if they offer one), and enjoy the different acts that perform. Who knows, comedy shows may be your new thing!

3. Go on a Hike

Getting outside and getting fresh air is good for your body and your brain. You will feel refreshed and rejuvenated after a nice walk or hike outside. Go to your favorite spot, take some photos along the way, and listen to your favorite music as you enjoy the outdoors.

4. Create Your Own Garden

Starting a garden could be very rewarding for people who have a green thumb. Not only does a lot of thought, time, and energy go into it, it will produce homegrown fruits, veggies, herbs, and flowers that you can use for months.

This activity might be something you work on daily that becomes a habit you love. Don’t be discouraged if, after your first season, your garden doesn’t produce as much as you’d like; it does take time!

5. Start a DIY Project

If there is any decor, furniture, or art that you want to add to your home, consider DIY-ing. Doing it yourself (DIY) puts your head and hands together to create something out of objects you likely have lying around the house.

Coming up with a project to do might take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks; it just depends on your commitment! You may even find your next hobby while trying out different DIYs.

6. Volunteer

If you want to feel fulfilled and useful with your time off on the weekends, consider looking for different volunteer opportunities in your community. Whether you pick up trash in the park or volunteer at an animal shelter, you will feel good doing it.

7. Catch Up on Some Reading

We all know that getting behind on reading can happen easily. Take some time this weekend to sit down and catch up on pieces and books you’ve wanted to read. Peace and quiet can be just as fun as a loud concert.

8. Get Crafty

Always wanted to learn how to paint or draw? Why not just start this weekend? Watch a couple of videos if you’d like, or just go at the canvas and don’t look back.

Arts and crafts can be a really therapeutic way to have fun. Plus, handmade gifts are always thoughtful, and learning an art skill can really come in handy.

9. Try a New Recipe

If you are getting bored of eating the same things, use the weekend to learn a new recipe that you have been dying to try. Get together all the ingredients you’ll need, play a podcast or listen to your favorite album, and prep everything.

10. Visit a Museum

Many museums are affordable to attend, and some are even free on certain days. Find a museum you’ve never been to and check it out this weekend. You may explore different exhibits and art collections and meet people along the way.

Find Community With Soba

Sober activities don’t always need to be planned out intensively to avoid alcohol. They can be simple and creative, bringing fun into your own home or community. If you are still searching for more of a sober-specific community, consider sober living with Soba Recovery Center of San Antonio, Texas. Sober living has been proven to be effective in maintaining sobriety.

If you are serious about staying sober, you should always be continuing your recovery journey. Soba Recovery can be a place where you build up a community and also seek help. Whatever you need, we want to provide for you. Reach out to a Soba representative to learn more about how we can help.


Focus: Addiction: Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of Recovery | NCBI

Depression | NIMH

What Did We Learn from Our Study on Sober Living Houses and Where Do We Go from Here? | NCBI